Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Turning Off the WordPress Admin Bar

Modified on: Fri, Jul 2 2021 3:02 PM

As you progress in developing your website at EWU you might find that the black admin toolbar is a distraction or is blocking you from previewing your content.  Most people find the WordPress admin toolbar useful, but some people may want to turn the WordPress Admin Bar off from the front end of the site. Remember, the WordPress Admin Bar is only visible to you when you’re logged in to your site.

Admin Toolbar Turned On

To turn off this view, in the top right of the Dashboard, under your Profile (Howdy, "your name" text), click the Edit my Profile (Screenshot #1) link. From this screen, you’ll see a check box to Show Toolbar (Screenshot #2) when viewing site. Simply uncheck this box to turn this view off, then scroll to the bottom and click Update profile.

#1. Edit Profile link 

#2.Turning off the admin toolbar

If you return to the front end of our site, the WordPress Admin Bar will be no longer visible. If you decide later that you’d like to turn the Admin Bar back on, just return to your edit profile and check the box to show the toolbar again.