Editing Form Fields
Modified on: Mon, Oct 8 2018 9:22 AMPrerequisite Topics
After you add a field to your form, you can then edit it. To edit a field, hover over the field you would like to edit and click the upper right-hand arrow to expand the field's options.
When editing a field, you will be presented with three tabbed sections: General, Appearance, and Advanced settings. Because different fields function in different ways, they also have different settings. However, there are some options seen on all or most types of fields. These are detailed by section below:
Field Label - The label of the form field. This is the title of the field the user will see when they view your form.
Description - The description of the form field. This will provide some direction to the user for how the field should be filled out or selected.
Rules - Contains properties that set how data should be handled
Required - A required field will prevent a form from being submitted if it has not be filled out or selected. Required fields will be marked with a red asterisk.
No Duplicates - Requires that a value entered in that field does not currently exist in the entry database for that field. This is most often used for things like usernames, where the entry must be unique. For the most part, it is unlikely there will be any need for this rule to be checked, so use with caution.
Choices - Add choices to the field. You can mark a choice as selected by default by clicking the radio button next to the choice or choices. You can add choices with the plus sign and remove choices with the minus sign.
Placeholder - Displays a hint at the expected output within a field. This is for display purposes only and is not submitted with the form.
Description Placement - Determines where the description will be placed, either above or below the field.
Custom Validation Method - If you have a custom error message, place it here to override the default.
Custom CSS Class - Enter one or more CSS class names (separated by a space) if you would like to override the form's default styling with custom CSS. You can also add CSS Ready Classes here.
Field size - Select desired field width from available options.
Admin Field Label - Enter a value in this field to override the Field Label when viewing the form in the Gravity Forms administration tool.
Default Value - If you would like to set a value of a field to a default, you can specify one here. Depending on the field type, you can set a static value or select a value from the predefined list.
Visibility - Set the visibility for the field. A field set to Everyone will be visible to all users who are viewing the form. A field set to Admin Only will be visible only while viewing the form in the Gravity Forms administration tool.
Allow field to be populated dynamically - Check this option to enable data to be passed into the form and populated into the field dynamically. See Gravity Form's article about populating fields dynamically for more information. To see them in action, check out our example form: dynamically populated fields.
Enable conditional logic - Create rules to show or hide this field based on values entered in another field. To use conditional logic, you will need to create a drop down, checkbox or multiple choice field. For more information, check out our article or our example form: conditional logic.
Other Settings
This list covers most of the options you will see, but because many fields have special configuration options, you will likely come across some you are unfamiliar with. Fortunately, there are some resources available to you. If you are confused about a configuration option, you can hover over the question mark next to its title to see a description. To see in-depth explanations of all configuration options for a single specific field, check out Gravity Form's Form Fields.
When you are finished editing your form, click the Update button at the bottom of the form editor on the right side of the page to save your form.