Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Editing a Post or Page

Modified on: Fri, Jul 2 2021 4:21 PM

Prerequisite Topics


The process for editing posts is very similar to editing pages. There are two ways to edit a post or page. First, you must begin by logging in, so that you can access your site’s dashboard and the admin toolbar.

Method 1

The first method is to navigate to the post or page you wish to edit on the front end of your WordPress site. In the admin toolbar, there is an option called Edit Post or Edit Page. Clicking on this option will bring you to the Edit screen.

Method 2

The other way to edit a post or page is to go to the dashboard of your site. In the sidebar, you can select either the Posts tab or the Pages tab.
This will bring you to a screen that lists all your posts or pages. Locate the post or page that you wish to edit. Then click on its title or on the Edit link below it. This will bring you to the Edit screen.

Apply Changes and Publish

Now that you have reached the Edit screen, you can make any changes you need to your post or page. All content and settings can be changed at any time, including the title and the URL.
When you have finished making changes to your page or post, click the Update button in the Publish section on the right side of your screen. Your edits have now been saved and will reflect on your site.