Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Wepa - Large Format Tabloid Printing Details

Modified on: Fri, Nov 20 2020 9:27 AM

A formatted PDF version of this Solution, which is a good option for hardcopy printouts/handouts, is attached.

Choosing your Paper Size

  1. Select the “Wepa Large Format” from the Printer drop down menu.
  2. Select “Page Setup” from bottom left hand side of the window.
  3. If a warning box appears after selecting “Page Setup”, select “Yes” to dismiss it.
  4. Select your page size from the drop down menu. “Legal” for 8.5x14, “Tabloid” for 11x17 and “Tabloid Oversized” for 12x18.Note: Legal (8.5x14) paper is only available at the MMC when a Lab Consultant is on staff to load for you.
  5. Click “Ok” and then “Print” to send to Wepa.Remember to retrieve your document from aLarge Format Wepa Printer. Find where they arelocated on campus at wepanow.com/maps lookfor the printers with “Tabloid” in the description.

Printing in Black and White / Grayscale

  1. Select the “Wepa Large Format” from the Printer drop down menu.
  2. Select “Printer” from bottom left hand side of the window.
  3. If a warning box appears after selecting “Printer”, select “Yes” to dismiss it.
  4. Select “Color” from the drop down displaying “Layout”.
  5. Select the “Grayscale” Radio button and then “Print”
  6. Click “Print” to send to Wepa. Remember to retrieve your document from a Large Format Wepa Printer. Find where they are located on campus at wepanow.com/maps look for the printers with “Tabloid” in the description.

Printing Two-Sided

  1. Select the “Wepa Large Format” from the Printer drop down menu.
  2. Select the “Print on both sides of paper” check box and then choose which end it should flip on.
  3. Click “Print” to send to Wepa.  Remember to retrieve your document from a Large Format Wepa Printer. Find where they are located on campus at wepanow.com/maps look for the printers with “Tabloid” in the description.

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Click here to download Wepa Large Format FAQs.pdf Click here to download Wepa Large Format FAQs.pdf
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