How do I use Argos to view reports?
You can view a report that has already been created in Argos, by using the Argos Web Viewer. The Web Viewer allows you to run Argos dashboards and reports in your browser, no client software needs to be installed.
Argos uses DataBlocks, collections of data, as the basis for dashboards and reports. Every DataBlock has a dashboard that enables you to run the report based on parameters that have been setup for you. For instance, you can run a report based on a certain year or term.
To access Argos, follow these steps:
- The Argos Web Viewer is available at:
- Click on "Argos Web Viewer"
- Navigate through the folder structure on the left navigation to access reports
You can view the data right from your browser or print it if a printable copy is required.
Important: You will need to have the proper permissions to view data in reports. Please check with your supervisor to verify the permissions you should have for the reports you need. If you need additional permissions, put in a
Help Desk ticket to begin the process. Data custodians for each data for a report will need to approve your access.
Important: if you access Argos by this url,, instead of the one above, you will need to use the first part of your email rather than the whole email address for the username field.