How do I update my preferred name and/or gender?
Modified on: Thu, Jan 16 2025 5:02 PMYou can update your gender, personal pronouns, and preferred first name through EagleNet (Personal Information...My Profile...Personal Information) or follow this direct link to the form:
Click the Edit button (1) in the upper right to update your information.
From the pop up menu enter your preferred first name into the necessary field (2) and click "Update" (3) to save any Changes.
Your preferred first name will be used in place of your legal name in email, on Canvas, the campus directory and class rosters on EagleNet.
This form does not change your legal name on your academic record, diploma, college ID or financial record.
If you have had a legal name change since your account was created please fill the relevent service article.
For students this is Student Account Name Change.
For Faculty and Staff this is Faculty/Staff Account Name Change.
In addition, faculty will see a student's preferred name when using the following faculty services:
- Class rosters
- Final grade submission
- Advisee listing
EWU recognizes that many students, faculty, and staff prefer to use first names other than their legal ones to identify themselves.
- As long as the use of this preferred name is not for the purpose of misrepresentation, the college acknowledges that a “preferred first name” can and should be used where possible in the course of college business and education.
- All official college correspondence will use your legal name.
- Please note: the preferred name is used solely for EWUs internal systems.
- Official transcripts, enrollment verifications, diplomas, third party database systems, and all external communications, such as hometown newspapers (dean’s list announcements), etc., will continue to use your legal name.
- You may use your preferred name on your EagleCard, this action does prevent its use as proof of legal identity and may impact its use as a form of ID. It is advisable to carry a government-issued form of ID such as a driver’s license or passport, especially when verifying your identity for employment purposes.
Disclaimer: this policy does not form a contract of any kind and may be modified, changed, altered, or rescinded at the discretion of EWU. Inappropriate use of the preferred name, including but not limited to misrepresentation or attempting to avoid a legal obligation, may be cause for denying the request.