Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Generating Browser Debug (HAR) Files

Modified on: Tue, May 31 2022 1:56 PM

What is a HAR File?

A HAR (HTTP Archive) file holds detailed information about how a web page loads inside a customers browser session.  At times, IT support may request that a user generate and provide a HAR file to help troubleshoot complex web application issues.  Information included in a HAR file includes:

  • Detailed network request logs
  • Cookies and web data
  • Error codes generated by the web application

Note: HAR files can contain sensitive information such as client authentication tokens.  It's advised to open the HAR file in a text editor and review it for any passwords before sending it to IT.

Generating a HAR File

Most modern browsers can generate a HAR file.  The process is similar but different depending on the Browser being used.

Google Chrome

  1. Close all incognito windows in Google Chrome.
  2. Open a new incognito window in Google Chrome.
  3. Go to View > Developer > Developers Tools.
  4. In the Developer Tools pane, choose the Network tab.
  5. Check the Preserve Log checkbox to record all interactions.
  6. Visit the page and complete the steps that trigger the issue.
  7. Choose the Network tab.
  8. Click the down arrow to export the HAR file.
  9. Save the HAR file.
  10. Next remove any sensitive information from the file.
    1. Open the HAR file with a text editor of your choice.
    2. Search for all instances of "Password".
    3. Replace these values with a placeholder value such as "*****".
    4. Save the HAR file.


  1. Ensure that Show Develop menu in menu bar checkbox is checked under Safari > Preferences > Advanced.
  2. Choose File > Open New Private Window.
  3. Visit the web page where the issue occurs.
  4. Choose Develop > Show Web Inspector. The Web Inspector window appears.
  5. Complete the steps on the page that trigger the issue.
  6. Select the Network tab.
  7. Click Export on the upper right side of the pane.
  8. Save the HAR file.
  9. Next remove any sensitive information from the file.
    1. Open the HAR file with a text editor of your choice.
    2. Search for all instances of "Password".
    3. Replace these values with a placeholder value such as "*****".
    4. Save the HAR file.


  1. Close all private windows in Firefox.
  2. Open a new private window in Firefox.
  3. Go to Tools > Developer > Network or ctrl-shift-E.
  4. Visit the page and complete the steps that trigger the issue.
  5. Choose the Network tab and right click and then select Save All As Har.
  6. Save the HAR file.
  7. Next remove any sensitive information from the file.
    1. Open the HAR file with a text editor of your choice.
    2. Search for all instances of "Password".
    3. Replace these values with a placeholder value such as "*****".
    4. Save the HAR file.

Microsoft Edge

  1. Close all InPrivate windows in Microsoft Edge.
  2. Open a new InPrivate window (Ctrl + Shift + N).
  3. Go to Settings and more (the ... icon) then choose More Tools > Developer Tools.
  4. Start a profiling session on the Network tab of the Developer Tools toolbar.
  5. Visit the page and complete the steps that trigger the issue.
  6. Select Export as HAR (Ctrl+S) and save the HAR file.
  7. Next remove any sensitive information from the file.
    1. Open the HAR file with a text editor of your choice.
    2. Search for all instances of "Password".
    3. Replace these values with a placeholder value such as "*****".
    4. Save the HAR file.

Internet Explorer

  1. Close all InPrivate windows in Internet Explorer.
  2. Open a new InPrivate window in Internet Explorer (ctrl+shift+P).
  3. Go to Tools > F12 Developer Options > Network.
  4. Ensure Clear entries on navigate is switched off.
  5. Visit the page and complete the steps that trigger the issue.
  6. Choose the Network tab and select Export as HAR (Ctrl+S).
  7. Save the HAR file.
  8. Next remove any sensitive information from the file.
    1. Open the HAR file with a text editor of your choice.
    2. Search for all instances of "Password".
    3. Replace these values with a placeholder value such as "*****".
    4. Save the HAR file.

This article is copied and adapted from https://auth0.com/docs/troubleshoot/troubleshooting-tools/generate-and-analyze-har-files