Current Workaround for Student Not Able to Navigate Self Service Banner
Modified on: Mon, Aug 1 2022 8:56 AMThis user can log into EagleNet, and buttons appear, but clicking on any button results in an error message like the following:
- "Sorry, the server received an internal error."
- "Log on denied. Please contact your system administrator."
One condition must be confirmed before this workaround can be implemented. The user must have been a former/current student employee, or former/current employee, and have previously or currently had access to secure Banner. If this condition is met, Follow these steps.
A) Look for the user's record in GSASECR.
1. If Record is Present - Do the following
- Click "Alter" and check to see if "Oracle Account Status" is "Locked"
- if "Locked", click "Unlock"
2. If Record is NOT Present - Do the following
- Create record in GSASECR (See instructions for GOAEACC record creation elsewhere)
- Click "Alter" - "Oracle Account Status" will read "Open"
- Click "Unlock" anyway.
- Delete the record.
That's it. That's the workaround. This method has seemed to work so far in all cases that met the condition mentioned above.
B) Ensure record on GOATPAD is not marked disabled
- Using normal account (not BAM) access GOATPAD.
- Ensure disabled checkbox is not marked for the user.
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