Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Event Calendar Audiences & Categories

Modified on: Tue, Nov 14 2023 2:36 PM


  • Students & Families
  • Faculty & Staff
  • Alumni & Community



Admissions & Orientations

Examples: Admissions open house, new student orientation, welcome week events, etc.

Arts & Culture

Examples: Plays, musicals, music program events, concerts, etc.

Campus-Wide Only used for campus-wide events that do not fit a specific category. Examples: Homecoming events, Welcome Week events, etc.

Careers & Networking

Examples: Career Center events, recruiter tabling, alumni & foundation networking events, etc.

Ceremonies & Festivals

Examples: Awards ceremonies, Alumni Awards, food festivals, Neighborfest, ROTC honors/recognitions, etc.

Diversity & Inclusion

Events with an emphasis on promoting diversity & inclusion. Examples: Almost anything hosted by the Pride Center, MCC, or any of the cultural studies programs, etc.

Financial Aid Deadlines Only used for Academic Calendar events. Do not select this category. Please reach out to regonline@ewu.edu if a financial aid deadline needs to be added to the calendars. 

Health & Safety

Examples: Safety drills, EWU police events, Counseling and Wellness Services events, etc.

Holidays & Breaks Only used for Academic Calendar events. Do not select this category. Please reach out to regonline@ewu.edu if a holiday needs to be added to the calendars. 
Instruction Dates Only used for Academic Calendar events. Do not select this category.

Lectures & Forums

Examples: General interest forums, academic lectures that are open to multiple campus groups, etc.

Service & Fundraisers

Examples: Community Engagement events and community service opportunities, philanthropic events, anything raising funds, Giving Joy Day, Giving Tuesday, etc.

Sports & Recreation

Examples: Any sporting events Athletics submits that are open to the public, club sport matches, intramural tournaments, HS games hosted on campus, etc.

Trainings & Workshops

Examples: HR events, training seminars and workshops, etc.