Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Phone System Transition FAQs

Modified on: Thu, Jan 4 2024 8:01 AM

Q. What do I need to do if I already have a university number and handset?

A. Just re-record your voicemail greetings after you are transitioned. We will notify you before and after your line has been migrated.

In some cases, we will need to replace your handset. There is no charge for this replacement as it is covered by a warranty.

If you don’t want or need a handset, just let us know when we contact you before your migration.

Q. If I previously had a university phone number, does this change mean that I can get a university number again?

A. Yes. We’ll also make our best effort to return your old number if it's still available. You’ll be set up with access to the softphone and mobile apps and we’ll give you a headset. If your department would like to purchase a handset, we’ll have paid options available for you starting at $99 (that’s the actual cost, there’s no markup).

To request a line, fill out this form: https://support.ewu.edu/support/catalog/items/48

Q. Will I be able to make university calls from my personal devices, if desired?

A. Yes. Incoming phone calls will be automatically routed to anywhere you are signed into the Webex app (desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone). Outgoing calls made through Webex are always made using your university number. No records are retained on your personal device when you use university services.

There are no charges to use the Webex Calling app.

Q. What happens to my current voicemail? Will the messages be moved to the new system?

A. Your current voicemail and messages will still be available at https://voicemail.ewu.edu until the system is retired. Once you are transitioned no new messages will appear here.

Existing messages will not be migrated.

Q. Can I send SMS messages?

A. Not yet, but we are exploring adding that feature.

Q. Why are you still asking for an index code?

A. This is only for tracking purposes. We will not charge you except for international long distance or handset purchases.

Q. What happens to Jabber?

A. Webex replaces Jabber. Webex does not require a VPN connection and is much easier to set up and use.

Q. What if my department has phone lines that we no longer need?

A. Please let us know and we will decommission those lines and, if necessary, pick up the old handsets. You may reuse handsets on a different line as long as they are compatible with Webex Calling.

Q. What if I am a Finesse (call center) user?

A. You will be migrating to a new solution. Finesse users will be among the last users to migrate. Watch for additional specific communication.

Q. Will old fax lines and other analog phones still work?

A. Yes. New installations are discouraged. We would be happy to identify alternative solutions where possible (e.g. an online faxing service).