Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

When I receive a call on Webex, my webcam turns on. How do I turn this off?

Modified on: Mon, Dec 11 2023 11:16 AM

After installing Webex softphone on your computer, you may notice that your webcam will automatically turn on when answering incoming phone calls. The tutorial below will give you step by step instructions on disabling this feature. 

  1. Open the Webex application. 

  2. At the bottom left of the application window, click on Call settings. 

  3. A small pop-up window will open. Click on Open Call Preferences. 

  4. A new Settings window will open. Click on the Calling category on the left side.

  5.  Uncheck the Answer calls with my video on checkbox.

  6. Click Save at the bottom of the settings window to finish.