Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Configuring Your WordPress Workspace

Modified on: Tue, Feb 27 2024 9:47 AM

Creating a new page or post using the native block editor can feel overwhelming and almost baron compared to the traditional classic editor.  But it's not confusing once you dig into it and configure it to your liking.  The following configuration recommendations come from our struggles in trying to create the most effective workflow possible using the tools we have.  Below is a simple visual illustration of how we work in the block editor.

Log into your WordPress dashboard and open an existing page or create a new page to follow along with the steps below.

  1. With the block editor open, click the Settings icon to open the Settings panel.
  2. Click the Block tab.
  3. Click the Document Overview icon to reveal the list view of blocks.
  4. Navigate through the block list and observe how each block is highlighted.   Review what options each block offers beneath the Block tab.

WordPress Workspace

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