Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Working with Page Titles

Modified on: Tue, Feb 27 2024 9:49 AM

Page Titles

Page titles are essential to guiding visitors in and around your website(s) on inside.ewu.edu.  In the following examples, we walk you through some of the most common scenarios you will encounter while managing page titles.  Below is an example of a page title in a native default page.

  1. See the page title area.
  2. Note that the page title and the permalink should match.  In the example below, the permalink should be changed to my-page-title.

Page TitlesFor a larger image, right-click and select Open Image in New Tab

Adding a Default Page Title

To add a default page title, go to Pages > Add New Page.

  1. Enter an appropriate page title.
  2. Click the Save draft button to save your work and preview your changes OR
  3. Click the Publish button to publish your finished page to the public and view your changes.

Adding Default TitleFor a larger image, right-click and select Open Image in New Tab

Editing a Default Page Title

  1. While in the Edit Page screen, click on the title area and make the appropriate changes.
  2. Check the page's permalink to ensure the URL reflects the new page title.  Remember: Changing the permalink changes the page URL and could break links directed to the original URL.  In this example, we must change the permalink to the-workspace-page to match the new page title.
  3. Click the blue Update button and view your changes.

Editing Page TitleFor a larger image, right-click and select Open Image in New Tab

Edit a Page Title Inside a Banner

When a page has taken advantage of our EWU-branded banner patterns, it typically has the default page title hidden while the banner displays the new page title.  The image below is a typical banner that is implemented.

Steps to Follow

  1. While in the Edit Page screen, click on the default page title area and make the appropriate changes.
  2. Then click on the title area inside the banner and make the appropriate changes to match the default page title.
  3. Edit the permalink to reflect the new page title.
  4. Click the blue Update button and view your changes.

Edit a Banner Page TitleFor a larger image, right-click and select Open Image in New Tab

Page Title Tips

As you can see, managing page titles is pretty straightforward.  But there are some points to remember, specifically when changing a page title or creating a new page with a banner.

Check Your Permalinks When Changing Titles

Always check the permalink on a page after you have changed its title to ensure consistency and content optimization.  After all, you've worked hard to develop content, so you want to ensure search engines can find the information.  If you have changed permalinks, double-check that your links still go where they should go and aren't broken.

Permalinks checkFor a larger image, right-click and select Open Image in New Tab

Hide/Display Titles When Configuring a Banner on a Page

At some point, you may need to work on a page with a banner or want to incorporate a banner on your website.  While we will delve deeper into this later in the course, it's important to understand how to hide/display the default page title when working with banners.

  1. While in the Edit Page screen, scroll down near the bottom until you see the section titled Layout and then the subsection titled Disable Elements.
  2. Check/Uncheck the Content Title checkbox and click the blue Update button.
  3. You should now see the results of your choice on a browser refresh.

Hide or Display TitlesFor a larger image, right-click and select Open Image in New Tab