Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Working with Images: Arranging Images

Modified on: Tue, Feb 27 2024 10:41 AM

In the previous lesson, you learned the basics of inserting an image into your website's content area.  This lesson will discuss arranging those images in the content area.  Below, you can see several image alignment options once an image is placed.  In the example below, we have loaded an image and are right-aligning it so the text will wrap naturally around it.

Image ArrangingFor a larger image, right-click and select Open Image in New Tab

After setting the alignment, we can:

  1. Set the image size to medium to accommodate text wrapping. 
  2. Toggle Expand on click for a modal image action. This is a nice effect but optional if the image doesn't merit it. 
  3. Experiment with alignments and image sizes to see what works best for your needs.

More on Image ArrangingFor a larger image, right-click and select Open Image in New Tab
