Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Working with Page Layouts: Tabs

Modified on: Tue, Feb 27 2024 12:54 PM

A tabbed layout can be another effective way to present a large amount of content in a relatively small space.  Using patterns, you can place a ready-made tab branded with demo content that you can replace with your content in a couple of steps.  Open or create a new page to which you want to add the tabs.

  1. Click into the body content area to choose a new block.
  2. Click on the Block Inserter icon to expand the block menu.
  3. Click the Pattern Library block to position it into the new paragraph.
  4. Select the Tabs block.
  5. Configure the Tabs and save your changes.

Tab PatternFor a larger image, right-click and select Open Image in New Tab

Again, once the Tabs block is in place, you must configure the content. Below, you will find 1) the placed tab block followed by the structure of each tab example in the demo. Notice that in our example, there is a 2) tab title and a corresponding 3) tab content that combine to make the interface work.

Tab BlockFor a larger image, right-click and select Open Image in New Tab
