What is remote work, when is it permitted, and what steps do I need to take to obtain approval?
Remote work is for employees who are approved to work at a location outside of Washington state or whose official work location is their home. Pursuant to the policy, an employee is considered remote only if all of the employee’s work occurs remotely, except for occasional travel to campus for meetings, events, or trainings.
Eastern Washington University requires prior approval for employees to work remotely. EWU 401-10: Remote Work describes standards and procedures for employees to arrange a remote work agreement. An employee may only be identified as a remote employee if such an arrangement is for the benefit of EWU and is not based on an individual’s preference. Supervisors are not permitted to work remotely unless all the people they directly supervise also work remotely.
There are additional special considerations and requirements for individuals who are seeking to work internationally, contact HR for more information.
If you wish to submit a remote work request, use the Remote Work Request Form which can be found in Forms – Human Resources (ewu.edu).