Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Wepa account balance zero? Why?

Modified on: Wed, Mar 27 2024 1:35 PM

By Default, students receive a $9.00 print credit per quarter ($13.50 per semester students) 

Which is lost upon the end of the quarter/semester, use it or lose it!

This amount will be entered into your EagleCard Balance, not your Wepa Account balance.

The difference is that your Wepa Balance can only be used for paying for Wepa Print jobs.

All funds sent to EagleFlex or your EagleCard are a different balance from your Wepa balance!

If you would like to fund your Wepa balance specifically for printing, see this solution article

If you believe there is an error with your Wepa balance, all Wepa printers have support information along the bottom of the display as shown here: