How do I change a voicemail message for a phone that I'm not calling on? (Webex)
Modified on: Fri, May 24 2024 7:05 AMThis solutions article will tell you how to change a voicemail greeting for an extension that is different than the phone you're calling from. There are several scenarios that may prompt you to do this:
- You're taking an extended leave of absence and forgot to update your voicemail greeting before you left campus.
- The campus is experiencing an unexpected closure and you want to update your message or the message of a call queue.
If calling from an EWU desk phone
- Pick up the handset and dial 509.359.4342
- Press the star key *
- Dial the extension of the voicemail greeting that you wish to change, followed by #
- Dial the PIN for that extension, followed by #
- Press 3 to access the voicemail greeting
- Follow the prompts to record a new greeting and hang up when you are finished.
If calling from an outside line:
- Dial 509.359.4342
- Dial the extension of the voicemail greeting that you wish to change, followed by #
- Dial the PIN for that extension, followed by #
- Press 3 to access the voicemail greeting
- Follow the prompts to record a new greeting and hang up when you are finished.
* If you are changing your pin please review the NEW PIN requirements and rules.