How do I access the voicemail box of a shared line - Webex?
Modified on: Tue, May 14 2024 10:37 AMIn addition to checking the voicemail box of your direct phone line, you may also need to check the voicemail box of a mail department line, or a shared line.
To do this, call extension 4342 to access the voicemail portal. If you are dialing from outside the University, call 503.359.4342.
Press the star key ( * )
Dial the mailbox ID (4-digit extension) and press the pound key ( # )
When prompted, enter the voicemail passcode / PIN and press the pound key ( # )
* If you are changing your pin please review the NEW PIN requirements and rules.
If you would like voicemail messages from department lines or shared lines e-mailed to you, open a support ticket and specify the extension of the line and the e-mail address you want the voicemail messages forward to.