Zoom Video and Audio Conferencing Instructions
Zoom is a video and web conferencing app. All students, faculty and staff have an account through EWU. To use Zoom, you must first download the Zoom app. Zoom integration is available for Outlook and Office 365. Visit Zoom Support for additional Help, Training, Video Tutorials (Please note that Zoom Pro licenses are only provided to full time employees of Eastern. Students, student employees, and tutors do not have access to a Zoom Pro license through Eastern.) Download and Install Zoom Download Zoom Install Zoom for Outlook and Office 365 How to Login on the Web Go to https://inside.ewu.edu and select Zoom from the A-Z Service list. Log in with your EWU Username and SSO password If asked, our Zoom domain is ewu.zoom.us How to Login on the Zoom Desktop Client Review these instructions Join a meeting With Meeting ID Go to ewu.zoom.us Enter the Meeting ID or Meeting Room Name provided by the host Select Join After you are redirected to a new page, select Open zoom.us. (If you are not prompted to do so, download Zoom.) With URL Open a browser window. Paste the Join URL into the browser and enter. After you are redirected to a new page, select Open zoom.us. (If you are not prompted to do so, download Zoom.) Schedule a meeting After logging in, select Meetings from the sidebar. Under the Upcoming Meetings tab, press Schedule A New Meeting. Create a name and description, and set the meeting time. Choose your settings for your meeting. Press Save. Scheduled meetings After logging in, select Meetings from the sidebar. Your scheduled meetings will be listed under the Upcoming Meetings tab. Find the scheduled meeting you wish to start and select Start. After you are redirected to a new page, select Open zoom.us. (If you are not prompted to do so, download Zoom.) The Zoom app will open and your meeting will begin. Personal Meeting Room After logging in, select Meetings from the sidebar. Select the Personal Meeting Room tab. Select Start Meeting. After you are redirected to a new page, select Open zoom.us. (If you are not prompted to do so, download Zoom.) The Zoom app will open and your meeting will begin. Invite others to your meeting After logging in, select Meetings from the sidebar. Select either a scheduled meeting or your Personal Meeting room. Copy either the Meeting ID or the Join URL. Send the Meeting ID or the Join URL to your invitees. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu
Login to Zoom
Zoom is a video and web conferencing app. All students, faculty and staff have an account through EWU. For more information, consult our FAQ. How to Login on the Web How to Login on the Desktop Client How to Login on the Mobile (iOS and Android) Client How to Login on the Web Go to https://inside.ewu.edu and select Zoom from the A-Z Service list. Log in with your EWU Username and SSO password If asked, our Zoom domain is ewu.zoom.us How to Login on the Zoom Desktop Client Launch Zoom from the Start Menu (Windows) or Applications folder or Launchpad (Mac) If Zoom is not installed, download it from https://zoom.us/download Click the button labeled "Sign in with SSO" or "SSO" Do not enter your EWU email or password. It won't work. Type in "ewu" and click Continue. A browser window should open. Log in with your EWU Username and SSO password. You should now be logged in. You can close the browser window. How to Login on the Zoom Mobile Client (iOS or Android) Launch Zoom from your mobile device's launcher or app drawer. Tap "SSO" Type in "ewu" and click Continue. A browser window should open. Log in with your EWU Username and password. You should now be logged in. You can close the browser window. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu
Protect your Zoom meeting space and class sessions
Zoom’s default settings for meetings allow anyone with the link to join a Zoom meeting. This low barrier of entry makes Zoom easy to use. However, with ease comes risk. People (or bots) with access to the link can join the meeting, including those who were not invited to the meeting but were able to gain access to the meeting URL or ID. Zoom offers a number of security options that you can use to prevent unwelcome participants from joining your meeting or to limit their ability to share inappropriate content. Several options are listed below, but it is not necessary to change all of these settings to protect the security of your meeting. Choose the options that will best address your specific concerns while still creating a convenient meeting space for you and your meeting participants. You can adjust settings while a meeting is in progress or when scheduling a meeting. Some security options are available only through the Zoom web portal at https://ewu.zoom.us/signin. Control participation during a meeting During a meeting you can prevent participants from sharing their screen, keep participants muted, or remove participants. Prevent participants from sharing their screen while a meeting is in progress You can prevent participants from sharing their screen unless you have assigned them the role of Host, Co-Host, or Alternative Host. At the bottom of the Zoom meeting, click the small arrow to the right of the green Share button. From the menu, select Advanced Sharing Options. Under Who can share? select Only Host. Close out of the Advanced Sharing Options menu. Control additional participant behaviors Via the Participants window, you can keep participants muted, enable the waiting room, lock the meeting to additional participants, or remove participants. At the bottom of the Zoom meeting, click the Participants button to open a list of participants. At the bottom-right corner of the list of participants, click “More” to open a menu. Toggle the options as desired: Clear Allow Participants to Unmute Themselves to ensure that only hosts can unmute participants Check Put attendee in waiting room upon entry to require that hosts manually admit new participants rather than having them join the meeting automatically. Learn more about the Zoom Waiting Room feature. Check Lock meeting to prevent any additional participants from joining the meeting after this option is selected. Remove participants who are behaving inappropriately At the bottom of the Zoom meeting, click the Participants button to open a list of participants. In the participant list, hover your cursor over the name of the participant you wish to remove, then click the More button that appears to the right. From the bottom of the menu, select Remove. A dialog box will open asking you to confirm your choice. Click OK to remove the participant. Options when scheduling a meeting When scheduling a meeting, you can configure security settings to: Prevent participants from joining the meeting before a Host or Alternative Host arrives. Require users to authenticate themselves Require a meeting password You can configure any or all of these options. On the Schedule Meetings page/screen, under Meeting Options: Clear Enable join before host to prevent participants from joining the meeting until a Host or Alternative Host arrives. Check Only authenticated users can join to ensure that all participants are logged into EWU Zoom accounts. Check Require meeting password to require password authentication when users enter the meeting. Passwords can be up to 10 characters. By default, the meeting invitation will include the password for participants, as well as a Join Meeting link that will enter the password automatically for invited participants. These settings can be changed in your User Settings in the Zoom web portal at https://ewu.zoom.us/signin. Change the default security settings for your meetings The settings you configure will apply to all future meetings. These options are all available when you got to the web portal at https://ewu.zoom.us/signin and sign into Zoom. From the left navigation, select Settings. You may need to scroll down a bit to find some of these settings may require scrolling down a bit. Adjust default settings for Join Before Host, Mute Participants Upon Entry, and meeting passwords to your preference. These options can be customized for individual meetings – the Settings options control what is set by default when scheduling a new meeting. For Screen Sharing set Who can share? to Host Only. Turn off Allow Removed Participant to Rejoin to ensure that if a participant is removed for inappropriate behavior, they cannot rejoin. Turn off File Transfer or limit file types that can be shared to prevent sharing of inappropriate or virus-ridden files with other participants. Secure your Zoom cloud recordings To secure the Zoom cloud recordings you create, navigate to your Zoom recording settings page. These options apply to all the Zoom recordings you create. Restrict viewing of recordings to authenticated users To restrict viewing, enable Only authenticated users can view cloud recordings from the Zoom recording settings page. When this setting is enabled, users must have a EWU Username to view the recording. Set password protection for recordings To set password protection, enable Require password to access shared cloud recordings from the Zoom recording settings page. When this setting is enabled, a random password will be generated that can be modified by the meeting host. This setting applies only to recordings generated after the setting is turned on. Disable downloads of recordings To prevent people who can watch your Zoom cloud recordings to download them, follow these steps. Navigate to the Zoom recordings page Select Share Disable Viewers Can Download Individual recordings To change security settings for individual recordings, navigate to your Zoom recordings page, then select Share. Matrix of select Zoom security settings As noted above, you do not need to change all security settings to protect your Zoom meeting space. The table suggests combinations of settings you can configure to achieve the level of security you desire. Setting Least Secure Most Secure Disable Join Before Host X √ √ √ √ √ Enable Waiting Room X √ √ √ √ Limit Sharing to the Host X √ √ √ Meeting Password X √ √ Restrict Access to Join a Meeting X √ Learn more about specific security settings Disable Join Before Host — Clear Enable join before host to prevent participants from joining the meeting until a Host or Alternative Host arrives. Enable Waiting Room — Allows the host to control when a participant joins the meeting. Limit Sharing to the Host — Prevents participants from screen sharing. Meeting Password — Require passwords for meeting to add an additional layer of security Restrict Access to Join a Meeting — Allows a host to restrict participants who can join a meeting to those who are logged into Zoom, and even restrict it to Zoom users whose email address uses a certain domain. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu
Use Zoom for online office hours
To hold online office hours using Zoom, you will want to do two things: Schedule recurring meetings Turn on the Zoom Waiting Room Note: To maintain student privacy, do not record office hour meetings. 1. Schedule a recurring meeting Follow the steps in this Zoom guide to schedule a recurring meeting during your appointed office hours. Following these steps will allow you to use a single link and meeting ID across all of your office hours sessions, making it easier to share the same set of instructions with students across multiple events, and making it more likely that students will find their way to online office hours. 2. Turn on the Waiting Room The Zoom Waiting Room feature allows you to control when a participant joins the meeting. With Waiting Room, you can admit attendees one by one or hold all attendees in the Waiting Room and admit them all at once. You can send all participants to the Waiting Room when joining your meeting or only guests, participants who are not on your Zoom account or are not logged in. The Waiting Room needs to be enabled first in your Settings, then turned on when scheduling (or during) an individual meeting. First, turn on the Waiting Room feature in your user settings: Go to https://ewu.zoom.us/signin to sign into your Zoom account online. In the left sidebar, click Settings and then click In Meeting (Advanced). Scroll down to find Waiting Room. Toggle the switch to turn on the Waiting Room.The Waiting Room is now enabled for your meetings. Then, to turn on the Waiting Room feature for an individual meeting, do either of the following: When scheduling the meeting or editing meeting settings, scroll down to Meeting Option and make sure the checkbox next to Enable Waiting Room is checked. During the meeting: At the bottom of the Zoom window, click the Participants button. At the bottom-right corner of the window, click the drop down menu titled More. Click Put Participants in Waiting Room on Entry to enable it. If there is a check mark next to it in the menu, it is already enabled. When the Waiting Room is enabled, participants will see the following screen when joining the meeting: Once you have started the meeting as the host, at the bottom of the Zoom window, click Participants to see the full list of participants in the meeting, including the list of people waiting to join the meeting in the Waiting Room. To add a participant from the Waiting Room, hover your cursor over their name in the Participant list and click Admit. To move a participant from your meeting back into the Waiting Room Hover your cursor over their name in the Participant list. Click More >. Select the menu option Put in Waiting Room. For more information on how to set up, use, and customize your Waiting Room, see Zoom’s guide for Waiting Rooms. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu
Best Practices for Securing Your Virtual Classroom
Limit your Zoom meeting to EWU Students, Faculty, and Staff
Creating and Attending EWU Only Zoom meetings Summary EWU Zoom users now have the option to limit meeting attendees to only other EWU attendees. This option can protect your meetings privacy and prevent Zoombombing from the general public. It is still a good idea to review the Zoom Security best practices when scheduling your meeting. Quick Links Create a new meeting for only EWU Students, Faculty, and Staff Update an Existing meeting to allow only EWU Students, Faculty, and Staff Logging into an EWU Only Zoom meeting Create a new meeting for only EWU Students, Faculty, and Staff Vist the EWU Zoom Conferencing Portal at https://ewu.zoom.us Sign In in by clicking the SIGN IN link in the upper right corner Sign In to EWU SSO Open the Meetings Menu Click the Schedule a New Meeting button In the Meeting Options select Only authenticated users can join and make sure EWU Students, Faculty, and Staff is selected Click the Save button to create your meeting. Update an Existing Meeting to allow only EWU Students, Faculty, and Staff Vist the EWU Zoom Conferencing Portal at https://ewu.zoom.us Sign In in by clicking the SIGN IN link in the upper right corner Sign In to EWU SSO Open the Meetings Menu Click the Topic to view the details of the meeting you'd like to make EWU Only Click the Edit this Meeting Enable Only Authenticated user can join and select EWU Students, Faculty, and Staff Click the Save button to update your meeting Logging into an EWU Only Zoom meeting Users already accessing the Zoom client using EWU Single Sign-On (SSO) will automatically.enter an EWU Only Zoom meeting. Users accessing an EWU Only Zoom meeting when not logged into a Zoom client will be prompted to login. EWU SSO sign-in MUST be used to be admitted to the meeting. Users without a Zoom account will be presented with a warning that the Zoom meeting requires an authorized email address. Click Sign In to Join Alternatively, non-EWU Zoom users will be presented with a warning that the Zoom meeting requires an authorized email address. Click Switch Account to Join Click the Sign In with SSO button Enter ewu as Your company name Sign into EWU Single Sign-On You will be signed into the EWU Only Zoom meeting If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu
Using Zoom with Logitech Group Systems
Logitech Group Systems are used in a number of conference rooms across the Cheney and Spokane campuses. If you have any issues connecting to the camera, speaker, or microphone: Verify video and USB connections between the computer and the Logitech system. In Zoom, check the Video and Audio settings to ensure the sources are set to Logitech Group System (click the up arrow next to the Video and Audio icons to switch sources). More details about Logitech Group Systems can be found here: https://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/conferencecam-group
Privacy Best Practices for Online Conferencing
Use EWU Provided Technologies Individuals at EWU should use recording and online conferencing technologies like Panopto and Zoom, that are provided by the institution and have appropriate agreements in place for protecting personal data. Maintain Consistent In-Person and Remote Practices When engaging in remote learning or business activities, ensure that in-person and remote practices are consistent. Specifically, individuals and departments/units should not record any activities while remote if those same activities would not be recorded while in-person. For example, if an exam would not be recorded when administered in-person and the instructor’s syllabus did not communicate at the start of the quarter that the exam(s) would be recorded, then instructors may not record students when they sit for an exam remotely. However, if instructors would ordinarily observe the behavior of students taking exams in-person, students may be asked to switch on the video feature in an online conferencing solution provided they are not recorded. At the beginning of the exam, the instructor should state that individuals are not permitted to record the exam. If an in-person exam would have ordinarily included a recorded component (ex. a recorded oral presentation, dance or music performance, etc.) and instructor’s syllabus communicated at the start of the quarter that the exam(s) would be recorded, then recording students while remote is permissible. However, instructors must retain the recording under the same retention schedule as they would have retained an in-person recording, and the recording would become part of the student’s educational record. Create Transparency In real time Before a recording or online conferencing session begins, organizers should inform anyone who will appear on-screen and/or be heard of: The intended subject matter including any sensitive discussion topics; The anticipated audience (ex. staff in an EWU department, classmates in a lecture, etc.); The types of anticipated interactions (ex. classroom discussions involving students, etc.), if any; Whether the organizer will record individuals who appear on-screen and/or are audible; Whether the invitees are permitted to record the session and/or individuals who appear on-screen and/or are audible; How recordings will be used (ex. on-demand videos of an instructor’s past lectures, etc.), where the recording will be available (ex. only through Canvas in connection with a specific course), and the duration it will be available for viewing (ex. until the end of the course term); Whether any third-parties beyond the anticipated audience (ex. the recording or online conferencing provider, etc.) will have access to, record, or otherwise retain any content; and Other relevant details that could influence an individual’s decision to appear on-screen and/or be heard. In a syllabus Include the following recommended language in your course syllabus when class sessions will be recorded: “This course is scheduled to run synchronously at our scheduled class time via Zoom. These Zoom class sessions will be recorded. The recording will capture the presenter’s audio, video and computer screen. Student audio and video will be recorded if they share their computer audio and video during the recorded session. The recordings will only be accessible to students enrolled in the course to review materials. These recordings will not be shared with or accessible to the public. The University and Zoom have FERPA-compliant agreements in place to protect the security and privacy of EWU Zoom accounts. Students who do not wish to be recorded should: Choose a Zoom username that does not include any personal identifying information like their name or EWU Username; and Not share their computer audio or video during their Zoom sessions.” Use Real-Time and Recording Features Appropriately The use of specific features (ex. real-time audio, real-time video, and recording) in the context of technologies that support remote interaction may or may not be appropriate depending on: the purpose and/or environment; and whether users are organizers or invitees (ex. instructors that organize a remote exam for students or staff that organize a remote meeting for others to attend). EWU Risk Management is consulting with the Attorney General’s Office to evaluate the legal issues related to recording one on one conversations and group activities, instruction, or events. For instance, EWU must be mindful of laws that may relate to recordings (ex. Washington’s two-party consent requirements for private conversations). As we are working on broader guidance the below table is a best practice. Appropriate Use of Real-Time and Recording Features Real-time Audio of Organizer Real-time Audio of Invitees Real-time Video of Organizer Real-time Video of Invitees Recording by Organizer Recording by Invitees Classroom Instruction (ex. Lectures and Presentations) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Yes 1 Classroom Exams Yes No Yes Yes No 2 No 2 1-on-1 Meetings or Conversations Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Staff Meetings Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 1 Recordings that are personally identifiable to students (e.g., have a student’s image or audio question) are educational records and subject to FERPA protections. Access to such recordings may need to be limited to the instructor and students who are enrolled in the specific class. 2 If an in-person exam would have ordinarily included a recorded component (ex. a recorded oral presentation, dance or music performance, etc.), recording students while remote is permissible. Use Live Streaming Appropriately Ideally, faculty will pre-record lectures using Panopto. Doing so allows for repeated views by learners, which is especially important for complex topics. Live streaming class is an acceptable practice and helps build a sense of community with both faculty and students. Best practices include timing and limiting lectures to less than 20 minutes (5~10 are ideal), then adding a break for activities, questions, or examples. Shorter periods of lecture allow students to listen, understand, and ask questions. Be Mindful About Available Technical Resources Organizers may need to support their invitees with technical resources or make adjustments if remote engagement is not possible. Instructors must be mindful of student equity when requiring the use of any technologies for remote exams. Instructors may need to (a) refer students who are residing locally and whose health and personal circumstances do not permit visiting campus to the Student Care Team to request a Chromebook or Financial Aid for a possible loan of a higher-end computer that meets the technical requirements for an exam and (b) otherwise make adjustments for students who do not have access to appropriate devices. Protect Your Own and Other Individuals’ Privacy If you are in an online conferencing session with real-time audio, real-time video and/or recording, consider the best practices below for protecting your own privacy and the privacy of those around you. Find a private space with a neutral background that does not include any identifying or sensitive information about yourself or other individuals; Utilize any features offered by a recording or online conferencing solution to blur your background or replace your actual background with a static image (ex. a virtual background available through Zoom); Mute your device and/or switch off your camera if there is no added value or expectation from your organizer or other invitees to appear on-screen or be heard; Make sure others in your surroundings do not appear on-screen and cannot be heard; and Follow the guidance that appears above for the appropriate use of real-time and recording features. Additional Resources EWU IT Zoom Instructions U.S. Department of Education: FAQs on Photos and Videos under FERPA If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu
Zoom Plugin for macOS
The Zoom plugin for Outlook on macOS is no longer available due to changes from Apple and Microsoft: "Microsoft has announced that they are removing support for injection-based native plugins with Outlook for Mac. At this time, Zoom will also stop development and support of the Mac Outlook plugin. Initially planned for June 2020, this timeline has been postpone until the May 2021 release of Outlook for Mac. Additionally, Mac OS Catalina no longer supports plugins, including the Zoom Outlook plugin. Mac OS Catalina users will need to use the Outlook add-in." Zoom recommends using the plugin available in Outlook on the Web. The Zoom plugin remains available for Windows. For more information, visit the Zoom support site. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu
Use Zoom for your Canvas course
To hold Canvas course meetings using Zoom, you will want to do these things: Add Zoom to your Canvas course navigation Schedule the meeting through the Zoom link in your Canvas course navigation Direct your students to the Zoom link in your Canvas course navigation 1. Add Zoom to your Canvas course navigation Follow these steps to add Zoom to your Canvas course navigation 2. Schedule the meeting through the Zoom link in your Canvas course navigation Click on the Zoom link in your course Click the 'Schedule a New Meeting' button Type your course section, the meeting pattern and time or something similar into the "Topic' field Type a description with the course section, meeting pattern and time in the 'Description' field Do NOT fill in the 'When' and 'Duration' fields Next click the box next to 'Recurring meeting' and choose 'No Fixed Time' from the 'Recurrence' drop down menu Do not require require 'Registration' We recommend only checking the 'Passcode' box in the 'Security section A passcode will auto populate in the adjacent field when you check the box but you can replace it with something you can easily remember We recommend setting the following meeting configurations: We recommend adding an alternate host email in case you need someone else to start your course meeting for you as a backup Review your settings and click 'Save' You will see your meeting details, including a link you can share with your students You can also direct your students to click on the Zoom link when they are in your course and they can easily join the meeting Following these steps will allow you to use a single link and meeting ID for each of your courses.