Eastern Washington University

(509) 359-2247

Scheduling Zoom Meetings for Someone Else to Host

Modified on: Fri, Dec 22 2023 9:56 AM

Step 1: Completed by the person you need to schedule for (i.e., your supervisor)

First, the person you need to schedule for must assign scheduling privilege to you in Zoom's settings by following these instructions. 

  1. Log into ewu.zoom.us

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Next to Assign Scheduling Privilege to, click the + sign and add the EWU email address of the person you want to schedule Zoom meetings for you. 

Step 2. Completed by the person who will do the scheduling (i.e. the assistant)

  1. Log into ewu.zoom.us

  2. Click on + Schedule a Meeting

(Optional) Scheduling through Outlook

  1. Select New Event on your Outlook calendar


