Faculty and Staff Printing
How do I add a printer on my Mac? (faculty/staff)
EWU now has a way to self-install any networked printer on your university-owned Mac. Locate the Paper Icon in the upper right-hand corner of your system tray, next to the date and time. Click on the Icon and an expanding menu will open below it with two options. Click on View my printers. If you haven't launched or signed into Papercut before, a window will pop up, prompting you to login. Use your e-mail address (username@ewu.edu) and SSO password. Click on Add printers on the left menu. In the search field at the top right of the window, type the name of the printer you wish to add. If you do not know the name of the printer, type the name of the building it is located in. You'll notice that all printers have a specific naming scheme: DepartmentAbbreviation_BuildingName+RoomNumber_CforColor_or_BforBlackandWhite. In our example, we've typed in SUT for Sutton Hall. And we are adding IT_SUT100_C1. This indicates that the printer is managed by IT, and it is located in Sutton Hall, room 100, and it is a color printer. Once you have selected the correct printer, click on the green Install button. You will now see the printer that you've added under the My printers menu. Note: If you wish to delete a printer from your computer, click on the grey trash can icon, as shown below. If you are having issues contact the IT help desk by phone at (509) 359-2247 from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday, or by email at helpdesk@ewu.edu. The EWU Papercut Naming Guide may assist you as well.
How do I add a printer on my Windows PC? (faculty/staff)
EWU now has a way to self-install any networked printer on your university-owned PC. To get started: On your Windows Start menu, find the "Make Me Admin" app and click on the button to request administrator privileges. Not all printers require you be an administrator to set up, however it's easier to do this prior to starting the Papercut printer setup in case they do. Look for the PaperCut Print Deploy icon in the lower right of your screen in the task tray (you may need to click the up arrow to see the icon). It looks like a green printer. Right-click on the Print Deploy Icon and select View my printers The main Print Deploy Window will open, showing you any currently installed printers. Some printers may have already been installed for you automatically. Any printers that you manually install will also show up here. To install a new printer, select Add printer. Find the printer you want by searching for the printers name. Your printer should be labeled with the papercut name. Click Install. Add as many printers as needed. When done, close the Papercut window. That's it, your printers are ready for use. Note: You use the PaperCut Print Deploy client to manage your printers. If you remove them manually through the Control Panel, they will automatically be reinstalled. The EWU Papercut Naming Guide may assist you as well.
What do I do if I don't see a Papercut printer icon in my Windows system tray ?
PaperCut Print Deploy is our supported method for self-service printing. For instructions on using the Print Deploy client, see this knowledge base article. If the Print Deploy icon is not present on your PC (see screenshot below), follow the steps for your relevent device: Windows 11 While connected to one our secure networks, EWUSecure or eduroam, could you please go through the following steps 1) In the windows search bar at the bottom of the screen search "Company Portal". 2) Open the Company Portal Application 3) From inside the company portal app click on the "settings" tab on the bottom right. 4) From within the settings tab click "Sync" To manually resync your device to Eastern policies. This should automatically reinstall papercut and any other missing applications. Windows 10 1) Right click on the Start button and select Apps and Features 2) When the window opens, locate PaperCut Print Deploy Client and click on it. Click Uninstall. 3) Restart your pc. 4) After logging in, look for the Software Center in the Start menu. 5) With the Applications tab selected on the left, click on the word Required just to the right. You should see the PaperCut Print Deploy Client either already re-installed or in the process of doing so. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu
What do I do if a Papercut printer installation fails on a Windows computer ?
Under certain circumstances you may have the PaperCut print deploy tool indicate that your printer installation has failed. Here are the two most common reasons for this failure and how to resolve the issue: 1. You are trying to install the printer using a local account on the machine. 2. The printer requires software to be installed on the computer that requires administrator privileges. You are trying to install the printer using a local account on the machine. Problem: Connecting to printers in Papercut requires the user account on the computer to be part of the Eastern network. Even though you can log in to the PaperCut application, if the user account on the computer is a local account access to the printers will be denied due to security permissions. Resolution: Log in to the computer using your Eastern Single-Sign-On account. This will ensure that you are given access to the PaperCut printers and allow the PaperCut application to add them to the computer successfully. The printer requires software to be installed on the computer that requires administrator privileges. Problem: Some printer drivers require the user of the computer to have administrator privileges in order to actually install the software needed to allow communication with the printer. Resolution: If you do not have administrator privileges on the computer you can use an application called MakeMeAdmin to get the required administrator privileges for a limited time. You can find out more about the MakeMeAdmin application and how to use it here: How do I get administrative rights on my PC? How do I use the MakeMeAdmin application on my PC? Once you have enabled administrator privileges try the printer installation again. You may be prompted for confirmation of administrator privileges by entering your username and password. Entering your Eastern Single Sign On credentials will allow the installation of the printer software to complete and the printer install to be successful. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu
How do I add a new or replacement printer to Papercut?
Papercut is a utility that is pre-installed on all EWU managed Windows computers and Macs. It facilitates the installation of printer drivers for network printers across EWU's campus. When your department purchases or leases new or replacement printers, they will need to have the new printer information added to Papercut before it is able to be used. Below you will two options for adding these printers. Contact EWU IT to ask for assistance with adding a new network printer to Papercut. You can start the dialogue by opening a ticket at support.ewu.edu, contacting the Help Desk via phone at 509.359.2247 or e-mailing helpdesk@ewu.edu. Be certain to include the following information, as it will greatly speed up the process: Location (building name and room number) Name of the department that will be utilizing the printer Make Model Color Printer or Black and White? If you are familiar with printing a Network Configuration Page, or if Fishers prints one for you after installing the printer, you will have all of the information needed to submit a Add Network Printer service request. Enter all relevant information in the service request and click on Place Request at the bottom of the page to start the process. Upon completion, you will receive an e-mail advising that the printer is now available in Papercut, along with the printer name. If you are having issues contact the IT help desk by phone at (509) 359-2247 from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday, or by email at helpdesk@ewu.edu. See also: How do I add a printer on my Windows PC? (faculty/staff) How do I add a printer on my Mac? (faculty/staff)
How do I add a printer on my personally owned Mac? (faculty/staff)
EWU now has a way to self-install any networked printer on a personally owned Mac. We make this option available to faculty or staff whose department has not issued them a EWU managed computer. Please be aware that this process will install all ~300 network printers on campus. You are not given an option to only install the one or two printers you may need to utilize. To get started: Connect to the EWU Network. You can either connect via an ethernet connection or wireless connection through EWUsecure or Eduroam. In a supported browser, visit http://m.printing.ewu.edu:9163/client-setup/known-host/macos.html Click on the Download Button to begin the download. A download will automatically begin. Double click on the downloaded file to begin the installation. A new window will open with the downloaded Package. Double-click on PaperCut Mobility Print Client.pkg to proceed. The installer will launch. Continue through the prompts to install the software. The installation process can take several minutes. It will conclude with this message. Open your system preferences / settings. The icon looks like this. Click on Printers & Scanners. A list of all available Network Printers on the EWU Campus will now be available. Scroll through to find your desired printer. As an added step, if you wish to list one of these printers as your default printer, two-finger click on the printer and select Set default printer. When you try to print, you will be asked to authenticate with your EWU username and password. Use your full email address and regular password.
How do I add a printer on my personally owned Windows PC? (faculty/staff)
EWU now has a way to self-install any networked printer on a personally owned Windows PC. We make this option available to faculty or staff whose department has not issued them a EWU managed computer. To get started: Connect to the EWU Network. You can either connect via an ethernet connection or wireless connection through EWUsecure or Eduroam. In a supported browser, visit http://m.printing.ewu.edu:9163/client-setup/known-host/windows.html Click on the Download Button to begin the download. A download will automatically begin. Double click on the downloaded file to begin the installation. Proceed through the prompts to complete the install. A list of all network printers will display. Check the box next to the printer(s) that you wish to use and click Next. Enter your username and SSO password at the next prompt. The printer is now installed and available to print while on campus.