How do I open the CD drawer on a podium computer?
To open the CD drawer on a podium computer, follow the steps below. Press F12 or the Eject button. Note: The eject button is along the top row of the keyboard. If the above main eject step does not solve the problem, follow the below steps for either a PC or Mac: PC Locate and open the My Computer icon from the desktop Right click on the DVD-RW-Drive, select on Eject. MAC Locate and open the Finder icon. Under the devices column, press the Eject arrow to the right corner of the disk drive.
How do I Duplicate or Extend my Windows laptop display to a Projector?
Ensure your laptop is selected from the touch screen or push button controller, and adapter/cable connections are secure (HDMI or VGA). Press Windows Start Menu key + P (for Projector settings). Or press FN + proper Function Key to change the video output. The F7 or F8 key are most common (refer to pics further below for visuals). Note: The proper function key is one of the F_ keys located above the number set; it is different depending on make and model of the laptop. After changing the video output, wait a few seconds for video signal to sync. The four video displayed outputs are: PC screen only Duplicate (this is the option you want to choose in most cases)! Extend Second screen only If video quality is poor on the projector, change your video settings to alternate resolutions, until you find the one that works best for you.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Sharelink (Extron) Wireless Connection to Projectors
Many classrooms, conference/meeting rooms across the Cheney and Spokane campuses have technology that allows you to wirelessly connect to the projector from your laptop. Verify you are connected to EWUSecure or EduRoam wireless network. EWUGuest wireless network is not compatible. Locate and start up the technology touch panel. Press the BYOD button to select wireless connection option (BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device). Open a web browser and enter the IP address displayed on the lower portion of the projector screen. If you do not have the ShareLink software installed on your device, follow the prompts on the projector screen to download and install either Windows or Mac Sharelink software. If you experience problems with a Mac laptop, please download the newer version of the ShareLink software from here: Extron Sharelink for Mac Newer Version Important: Do NOT install the Pro version, which is a smaller link on the projector. Install the NON-Pro version only, which is the larger Windows or Mac buttons shown on the screen. After launching the Sharelink software, click the PLAY button and your laptop screen will display on the projector.
Teaching in Meetup Rooms Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why would I need to teach in a Meetup Room? A. Some faculty need to hold a course with both onsite students and remote students. The Meetup rooms are equipped with technology designed to accommodate this mixed-modality teaching. Q. How do I know if my classroom is a Meetup Room? A. Your classroom will have 'MM Enhanced-Plus Meetup' listed under features in 25Live (See 25Live instructions for looking up a location) Q. How do I make sure my course is scheduled a Meetup Room? A. Work with your departmental scheduling coordinator to request the 'MM Enhanced - Plus Meetup' feature when they submit your course request in CLSS. Q. Do I need to set up a Zoom meeting for my course? A. Yes, you will need to set up a Zoom meeting for your course and share the link with your remote students. (You can do this through Canvas.) Q. Can I record my course in Zoom if I have onsite and remote students? A. Yes, but you need to make sure ALL your students are aware you are recording. Q. How do I use the equipment in the Meetup room? A. See the Teaching in Meetup Rooms Instructions. Please call the IT Help Desk at (509) 359-2247 or email at for assistance
Teaching in Meetup Rooms Instructions
These rooms are set up for you to use the Podium computer at the lectern. Each classroom setup will vary slightly. 1. Power up the system from the touch panel located on the podium/lectern. 2. Sign into the podium computer with your EWU Username and SSO password 3. Access your Zoom meeting and adjust your Video settings Choose 'Logitech Meetup' from the Camera dropdown Click on the HD (High Definition) checkbox Uncheck/disable “Mirror my video”. Enable/check “Adjust for low light” Auto. 4. Choose a camera preset from the Logitec remote control Preset Number One - Wide angle Preset Number Two - Zoomed in on the whiteboard 5. Adjust/extend microphone 'puck' location if needed 6. Start Zoom meeting If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email:
Classroom Lectern PC or Laptop not displaying to Projector
If a classroom lectern computer or laptop is not displaying to the projector: Verify the Lectern computer and monitor are turned on. The lectern computer is normally located below the podium keyboard tray in the rack. Look for a POWER label and press the power button. If still no go, select an alternate video source from the touch panel or button controller, such as Bluray/DVD. Then re-select Lectern PC or Laptop. If connecting a guest laptop, verify all adapters/cables are securely connected, and follow the steps outlined here: How do I Duplicate or Extend my Windows laptop display to a Projector? How do I Duplicate or Extend my Mac laptop display to a Projector? If you are still having problems, submit a HelpDesk Ticket
How do I Duplicate or Extend my Mac laptop display to a Projector?
Ensure your laptop is selected from the touch screen or push button controller, and adapter/cable connections are secure (HDMI or VGA). Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Displays, then click Display. Open the Display pane for me. Click Arrangement, then select Mirror Displays to DUPLICATE laptop and projector output. Or de-select Mirror Displays to extend displays (two outputs for laptop and projector). Adjust resolutions as needed for best quality output. Shortcut key to accomplish this: Command + F1
PAT Hall Classrooms Most Common Issues
The following documents describe how to resolve the most common PAT Hall classroom issues, including: Projector displaying a blue screen. No projector output. Audio not working How to use the Logitech Meetup Video Conferencing Solution PDF version attached. Issue: Projector displays blue screen, or is distorted Solution: Switch the input on the touch panel to a different input source, (to one that has an active signal like the BLURAY/ DVD player or lectern PC) wait 5 seconds and then switch back to your desired input source on the touch panel. You may have to try this up to 3 times. Issue: No video from projector Solution: If MUTE VIDEO is blinking RED on the touch panel, and GREEN light flashing on the projector. Press the MUTE VIDEO button to un-mute the projector. Issue: Projector not turning on Solution: Shutdown the system from the touch panel. Make sure there is a red light on the projector and then turn the system on from the touch panel and select a display source as you normally would to turn on the projector. Amber light on projector = cooling down. Do not turn on the system unless the light is red, or the system will get out of sync and will not turn on the projector. Issue: Nothing is displayed on the Lectern computer monitor. You cannot access the Lectern PC. Solution #1: The Lectern PC may be turned off (power button light is off). Look below the keyboard tray, and press the Lenovo ThinkCentre Lectern PC power button. Refer to pics below for location. Solution #2: Verify the power cord is fully inserted into the monitor. Issue: No audio from Lectern PC (Single Projector classrooms): Solution: Change audio settings to Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio), as shown below. Click the Sound icon in the lower right Notification Area, Select playback device. Issue: No audio from Lectern PC (Dual Projector classrooms): Solution: Change audio settings to DVX-3155 (Intel(R) Display Audio) as shown below. Click the Sound icon in the lower right Notification Area, Select playback device. Issue: How do I use the video conferencing hardware found in some classrooms?. Solution: Refer to this document for more information: Logitech Meetup Solution Overview Issue: Classrooms are left on after use. How do I turn off rooms to increase projector and lamp/bulb life, and save power? Solution: When finished, please press TURN OFF ROOM from the touch panel. Projector light indicators Green light flashing on projector = the video is muted from bottom left of touch panel Video mute button should be flashing red on touch panel. Red light flashing on lamp 1 or 2 = power supply is failing (the system should still work as long as only one lamp is flashing). Red Light on filter = the projector overheated (needs to be dusted/cleaned by IT). Solid red light on lamp 1 or 2 = the lamp needs to be replaced. Red light on power = Off/on standby. Amber light on power = cooling down. Don’t turn on the system until it is red, or the system will get out of sync and will not turn on the projector.