Banner 9 color preferences
The user color preferences in Banner 8 and 9's GUAUPRF(General User Preferences Maintenance) do not affect Banner 9's Application Navigation pages( This feature was frequently used to distinguish between Banner's PROD, PPRD, DEVL, etc. systems. We have adapted each instance to have custom colors as a system level but to control the colors yourself the Chrome and Firefox addon, Stylish can help replace this functionality. To install the addon, follow the instructions at for your respective browser. After installing the addon, create a new style using these steps: Click on the Stylish addon icon and select menu item, "Create New Style" Paste the following code snippet in the Sections panel: .sidebar-nav-wrapper { background-color: #a10022; } "Specify" the URL of the site the styles should be "Applied to", e.g. Name the Style in the Edit panel with name that is easily identifiable, ie PPRD Click save and visit the URL specified to test The Stylish addon's icon should change to the following:
How do I get access to Banner Student?
If you haven't already completed Banner 100, access the course through Canvas at Complete the Banner Student Access online request form at You will receive an email when access has been granted. You can also check the status of your request through
How do I change my Oracle Password?
Since our upgrade to Banner 9, if you just use Banner self-service (aka Eaglenet) or Banner Admin Pages, you no longer need to know your Oracle password! If you connect directly to a database like ODS, RPT, or Banner PROD/PPRD with a tool like Oracle SQL Developer, SQL*Plus, or Tableau, you will need to manage your Oracle password. Like your EW Username password, your Oracle password expires on a regular basis. As long as you know your existing Oracle password, you can change it from within Banner 9's Admin Pages. If you don't know your existing Oracle password, you will need to contact the IT Help Desk (x2247) as a reminder, we do not provide passwords over email for security reasons. To get started, search for "Oracle Password Change" or GUAPSWD in the Banner 9 Application Navigator. Enter your existing password in the field labeled "Oracle Password" and enter a new password in the "New Oracle Password" and "Verify Password" fields. Click "Save" to complete the process. Note, do not enter anything in the "Database" field. Your new password must start with a letter, include a special character, at least one number, and must differ by at least 3 characters from your old password. Do not use characters like $ and @, as they are not allowed by Oracle since they have special meaning. If your password change is successful, the form will automatically close and you'll return to the main Application Navigator window. If it's not successful, you will receive a warning in the upper right. Follow the instructions provided in the warning to fix the issue and complete your password change (for example, your new password may not meet complexity requirements or your existing password may have been entered incorrectly).
How do I delete Banner reports in my parameter set?
To delete a parameter set Go to GJRJPRM Select the appropriate data field in the Parameter Set column. If you can, select RECORD and then REMOVE. If it gives you an error go to options menu and select “Modify Default Parameters”. It’ll take you to another screen called GJAPDFT When you get here, use Next Block twice to go to the “User Default” block and do a CLEAR BLOCK (shift+F5) function. It is not necessary to SAVE in GJAPDFT; simply exit back out to GJRJPRM.Exit GJAPDFT It should take you back to GJRJPRM and the set you want to delete To delete do a RECORD REMOVE and save. You are done. The parameter set is deleted. NOTE: To remove another parameter set, return to step 2. It appears that you must try to Record Remove for each Parameter Set before Modify Default Parameters. When asked if you want to save changes: GJAPDFT – if you are asked whether or not to save changes, this is an indication that you need to exit out to the main Banner menu and start again at step. 1. GJRJPRM – when exiting this screen, click Yes to save changes if you want the deleted reports to remain deleted. If you keep getting the error message with Record Remove, check to see that the Parameter Set you’re trying to delete is one that you created. Otherwise, try exiting out to the main Banner menu and starting again at step. 1. Sometimes it may even be necessary to exit out of Banner altogether and log back in.
How do I enter grades into Banner/EagleNet?
Attached to this article is a step by step guide on how to enter grades into EagleNET. Below are common grading questions: Q: On the Final Grades page, when is it necessary to enter information into the Last Attendance Date and Attended Hours fields? A: Last Attendance Date: Provide a date only when a grade of 0.0 is assigned. Attended Hours: No instance currently exists that would require any information to be entered here. Q: How will I update an incomplete grade? A: If a student completes the requirements and as a result the grade needs to be updated, you can make this change by filling out a grade change form for Records and Registration. Q: Who can enter grades for a course that is assigned to multiple faculty members? A: At this time, when multiple faculty are assigned to a course, any one of the faculty members will be able to enter grades regardless of who is assigned as the primary instructor. Q: What happens if a faculty's grades are not entered into EagleNET on time? A:If grades are not entered by the close of grading, then a grade change form for each student in the course must be filled out and turned in to Records and Registration If you have additional grading questions, please contact the Records and Registration office.
How do I access my W-2 Wage and Tax Statement?
To access your W-2 online, if you opted in, follow the instructions below. You do not need your PIN to access your W-2, only if you need to print it. If you do not know your PIN, Please contact the IT Help Desk at (509) 359-2247 for further assistance. We do not provide PINS over email for security reasons. Begin by loging onto EagleNET website at Select the “Employee tab” Select “Tax Forms” Select “W-2 Wage and Tax Statement” Select “2019” Tax Year from the drop down box To print your W-2 click the “Printable W-2” button located near the bottom of the page. Your W-2 should be displayed. Select “Print” from the file menu of your browser.
Security Policy for Users with Banner Access
The following rules apply to all university employees with Banner access: Individuals granted access to any Banner screens will be assigned a username and password. Passwords must be kept confidential and not shared or given to anyone, including supervisors, co-workers, student employees, or friends. It is the responsibility of each employee to keep his/her password confidential and change passwords whenever he/she feels someone else may have access it. Employees shall use their own username for all transactions. If access to additional forms is needed, requests should be made through your departmental supervisor to the data custodian of the module you need access to. Each employee given a username is held responsible for any data input or retrieved using that username. All employees of Eastern Washington University (administrative, academic, staff, and students) must abide by the policies governing the review and release of student education records. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 mandates that information in a student’s education record must be confidential and outlines the procedures for review, release, and access of such information. Approval for access to the Student Information System (Banner) will be granted to those individuals who have been determined to have a legitimate educational interest in the data by the data custodian of the Student module. Individuals granted access to student data must understand and accept the responsibility of working with confidential student records. A complete policy statement on the Eastern implementation of FERPA guidelines can be found in the Records & Registration Office. In part, the policy states that officials of the University may be given access to student education records on a “need-to-know” basis and that such access must be limited to job-related, legitimate educational interests. The information contained in a student’s education record shall not be released to a third party without the student's written consent. Such requests for information should be referred to the Records & Registration Office. Examples of inappropriate use of student records are: Accessing and/or updating a student’s record without legitimate educational interest or for personal business. Releasing confidential (non-directory) information to another student, university employee, parent, or anyone not having legitimate educational interest without the student’s written consent. Leaving reports or computer screens containing confidential student information logged on or in view of others who do not have legitimate educational interest in the data. Giving your personal password to anyone for any reason. Discussing the information contained in the student record outside of the University or while on the job with individuals who do not have a legitimate educational interest in the information (need-to-know.) Under no circumstances should an employee give confidential student information to any other student, employee, or persons who have not been authorized to receive such information by their departmental supervisor. Although directory information may be released without prior consent, any requests coming from anyone off campus should be referred to the Registrar or the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management. ** Students may request that directory information concerning them be restricted. If this occurs, a flag denoting such a request will appear. No information may then be released without the student’s express written consent. A copy of this written consent must be on file in the Records & Registration Office.
Academic Transcripts - Banner 8
Faculty/Advisors/Staff can temporarily access Student Transcript information through EagleNet by visiting Faculty & Advising > Banner 8 - Academic Transcipts
How do I get access to Banner Finance and HR/Payroll?
User Provisioning Moves Online for Banner Finance and HR/Payroll Business & Finance has teamed with IT to enable an online form to facilitate user access requests (security permissions) for Banner Finance and Banner HR/Payroll. Beginning December 28, 2020, the existing paper (PDF) forms will be replaced with a new web-based form that allows for electronic routing and online approvals. Users authenticate with their campus credentials (SSO) to submit the form. Once all necessary approvals are complete, the requestor will be notified that permissions are in place and ready for use. Visit our website for access to the online Banner provisioning form. This new form does not replace the existing online form to access to Banner Student, nor does it replace the ODS (operational data store) access form. Both of those forms will be managed by EWU IT. For more information contact Caren Lincoln ( in Human Resources or the Office of the Controller.
Working with Banner Files in Cloud Storage
Banner files can be accessed through your web browser for the purpose of retrieving reports and working with integration files. *This Cloud Storage is for Banner Files only and should not be used as an avenue to transfer or store files that are not related to files being imported or exported to Banner. Accessing Banner Files Navigate to with your browser. Sign in with your SSO credentials. Click on the folder you wish to access. Usage To view a document, click on the document. To upload a document; Navigate to the folder to which you want to upload the file Press the + with a circle around it and select “upload file” from the drop down list. Browse to the file you want and select upload. To download a document, right click on the file and select download. SFTP Access Banner files can still be accessed via SFTP if needed. Please put in a helpdesk ticket if needed to request details.