Entering Time Sheet info as Student Employee
Go to https://inside.ewu.edu/ Click on the “Employees” tab at the top right of the screen, a drop down menu will be displayed Click on “Timesheets for Staff and Students” under the “Employment” section located in the left column of the page. Log in with your EWU Net ID and password; if you do not know your password, follow the instructions on this article to reset it. Once you are logged in, select the timesheet for the pay period that you want to start/update. For each day that you want to enter info for: Click on the clock icon on the right side of the Start Time box. Enter the hour and minute of the start time of your shift, and whether it was AM or PM by using your mouse's scroll wheel or the up and down arrows on your keyboard, and click Set when you have the time entered. Do the same for the shift's end time. Remember to exclude lunch breaks (required when working over 5 hours in a shift). To enter your shift's time spent on lunch, click Add More Time. Click the Save button (at the bottom of the screen) when you have entered that day's hours. This must be done before you leave the page. To enter sick leave, click on the Select Earn Code box, and select the sick leave option. Enter the start and end times for your time spent on sick leave. Remember to click the Save button at the bottom of the screen when you are done. Submitting Once you have filled in your shifts, click the Preview button in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Check that all of the entered times are correct, and click Submit to send the timesheet to your timesheet approver. Your timesheet should now show as Pending. Note: You are unable to enter hours once the displayed "Submit By" date has been reached. In this case, you will need to fill out a paper timesheet, get it approved and signed by your timesheet approver, and turned into Payroll. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu
Entering Time Sheet information as EWU Classified or Exempt Staff
See this document: https://in.ewu.edu/hr/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2020/11/Timesheet-Employee.pdf
Approving Timesheets in Banner
See this document: https://in.ewu.edu/hr/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2020/11/Timesheeet-Approval.pdf
Eaglenet PayNow Browser Popup Blocked
Occasionally, browsers will block PayNow functionality in Eaglenet. When logged into into Eaglenet: Navigate to Student->Student Account->Pay My Bill Click Pay Now button Select a term and enter an amount Click Pay Now button at the bottom. After the last step, the browser may show a message similar to the following Firefox screenshot and prevent the TouchNet payment page from opening. In order to resolve this, you can change your preferences in your browser to allow pop-ups for this site: students-ssb.ec.ewu.edu
Generating Browser Debug (HAR) Files
What is a HAR File? A HAR (HTTP Archive) file holds detailed information about how a web page loads inside a customers browser session. At times, IT support may request that a user generate and provide a HAR file to help troubleshoot complex web application issues. Information included in a HAR file includes: Detailed network request logs Cookies and web data Error codes generated by the web application Note: HAR files can contain sensitive information such as client authentication tokens. It's advised to open the HAR file in a text editor and review it for any passwords before sending it to IT. Generating a HAR File Most modern browsers can generate a HAR file. The process is similar but different depending on the Browser being used. Google Chrome Close all incognito windows in Google Chrome. Open a new incognito window in Google Chrome. Go to View > Developer > Developers Tools. In the Developer Tools pane, choose the Network tab. Check the Preserve Log checkbox to record all interactions. Visit the page and complete the steps that trigger the issue. Choose the Network tab. Click the down arrow to export the HAR file. Save the HAR file. Next remove any sensitive information from the file. Open the HAR file with a text editor of your choice. Search for all instances of "Password". Replace these values with a placeholder value such as "*****". Save the HAR file. Safari Ensure that Show Develop menu in menu bar checkbox is checked under Safari > Preferences > Advanced. Choose File > Open New Private Window. Visit the web page where the issue occurs. Choose Develop > Show Web Inspector. The Web Inspector window appears. Complete the steps on the page that trigger the issue. Select the Network tab. Click Export on the upper right side of the pane. Save the HAR file. Next remove any sensitive information from the file. Open the HAR file with a text editor of your choice. Search for all instances of "Password". Replace these values with a placeholder value such as "*****". Save the HAR file. Firefox Close all private windows in Firefox. Open a new private window in Firefox. Go to Tools > Developer > Network or ctrl-shift-E. Visit the page and complete the steps that trigger the issue. Choose the Network tab and right click and then select Save All As Har. Save the HAR file. Next remove any sensitive information from the file. Open the HAR file with a text editor of your choice. Search for all instances of "Password". Replace these values with a placeholder value such as "*****". Save the HAR file. Microsoft Edge Close all InPrivate windows in Microsoft Edge. Open a new InPrivate window (Ctrl + Shift + N). Go to Settings and more (the ... icon) then choose More Tools > Developer Tools. Start a profiling session on the Network tab of the Developer Tools toolbar. Visit the page and complete the steps that trigger the issue. Select Export as HAR (Ctrl+S) and save the HAR file. Next remove any sensitive information from the file. Open the HAR file with a text editor of your choice. Search for all instances of "Password". Replace these values with a placeholder value such as "*****". Save the HAR file. Internet Explorer Close all InPrivate windows in Internet Explorer. Open a new InPrivate window in Internet Explorer (ctrl+shift+P). Go to Tools > F12 Developer Options > Network. Ensure Clear entries on navigate is switched off. Visit the page and complete the steps that trigger the issue. Choose the Network tab and select Export as HAR (Ctrl+S). Save the HAR file. Next remove any sensitive information from the file. Open the HAR file with a text editor of your choice. Search for all instances of "Password". Replace these values with a placeholder value such as "*****". Save the HAR file. This article is copied and adapted from https://auth0.com/docs/troubleshoot/troubleshooting-tools/generate-and-analyze-har-files
Current Workaround for Student Not Able to Navigate Self Service Banner
This user can log into EagleNet, and buttons appear, but clicking on any button results in an error message like the following: "Sorry, the server received an internal error." "Log on denied. Please contact your system administrator." One condition must be confirmed before this workaround can be implemented. The user must have been a former/current student employee, or former/current employee, and have previously or currently had access to secure Banner. If this condition is met, Follow these steps. A) Look for the user's record in GSASECR. 1. If Record is Present - Do the following - Click "Alter" and check to see if "Oracle Account Status" is "Locked" - if "Locked", click "Unlock" 2. If Record is NOT Present - Do the following - Create record in GSASECR (See instructions for GOAEACC record creation elsewhere) - Click "Alter" - "Oracle Account Status" will read "Open" - Click "Unlock" anyway. - Delete the record. That's it. That's the workaround. This method has seemed to work so far in all cases that met the condition mentioned above. B) Ensure record on GOATPAD is not marked disabled Using normal account (not BAM) access GOATPAD. Ensure disabled checkbox is not marked for the user. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email: helpdesk@ewu.edu
Where faculty can find a course roster
1. Log into EagleNet Experience and find the 'Faculty Schedule' card. 2. Use the "My Course Listing" link to open the CRN Listing page in Banner. 3. The CRN Listing page is populated with the courses associated with the instructor. 4. Locate the course you are looking for and hover the Subject column. While this does not manifest an arrow (suggesting an active link) like the Course and CRN fields, clicking the row will open a new screen and provides a course roster for the course in question.
How do I change shown cards on my EagleNET homepage?
1) Navigate to the EagleNET homepage by clicking on "EagleNET Experience" on https://inside.ewu.edu/, or by navigating directly to https://experience.elluciancloud.com/ewu/, and login using your EWU credentials. 2) On the EagleNET homepage, scroll down and select the "Discover More" option. 3) To show or hide a card on the homepage click on the flag icon in the top right corner of the card you wish to change. You can also quickly remove a card from the EagleNET homepage by clicking the flag on the card you wish to remove.