Screen Capture and Media
Access Panopto in Canvas
Add Automatic Captions into a Panopto Video
Download and Install Panopto for Mac
Download and Install Panopto for Windows
NOTE: EWU does not recommend disabling Windows Updates and Automatic Software Installs as described below.
Edit or Delete Captions from a Panopto Video
Embed Panopto Videos in a Canvas Course
Export Adobe Premiere File as MP4
(from Adobe Premiere support) To export a sequence as an H.264 file (the most popular option), make sure the Timeline panel is active and choose File > Export > Media or press Control+M (Windows) or Command+M (macOS). In the Export Settings dialog box, choose Format: H.264 and Preset:Match Source – High Bitrate. (Note: In order to save as an mp4 you will need to make sure you select the H.264 format and not MPEG4) To choose a filename and location, click the blue filename to open the Save As dialog box. Use this to choose an export location and a name for your new file, and then click Save. When you’re happy with your settings, click Export. The new video file will be created, ready to share with the world.
Export iMovie for Mac File as MP4
(from Apple Support documentation) Select a movie, trailer, or clip in the browser. Click the Share button in the toolbar (upper right corner), and then click File. In the dialog that appears, do any of the following: Set the title of the shared movie: Click the name at the top, and type a new name. Set the description of the shared movie: Click in the Description field, and type new text. Set the output format of the shared movie: Click the Format pop-up menu and choose an option. You can choose to export video and audio, or just audio. Set tags for the shared movie: Click in the Tags field, and type tag names separated by commas. Set the resolution of the shared movie: Click the Resolution pop-up menu and choose an option. Unavailable resolutions appear dimmed. Note: You can export a 4K clip or movie in its native resolution. Set the output quality of the shared movie: Click the Quality pop-up menu and choose an option. To manually set the output quality of the shared movie, click the Quality pop-up menu, choose Custom, and drag the slider to set the target bit rate. As you drag the slider, the estimated file size that appears below the preview thumbnail is updated. Choose a compression setting: Click the Compress pop-up menu and choose an option. Add your movie to the Theater: Select the Add to Theater checkbox. Click Next. In the dialog that appears, type a name in the Save As field, or leave the default name, which is the name of the movie, trailer, or clip. Navigate to the location where you want to save the file, and click Save. A progress indicator appears on the right side of the toolbar. Click the progress indicator to see details. The indicator disappears when the operation has finished. After the share process is complete, the movie opens in QuickTime Player. A “Share Successful” notification also appears.
Export Video File from PowerPoint
Some assignments may require a narrated slideshow. While Panopto Recordings and other tools allow for this functionality, PowerPoint is commonly used as well. Below are instructions on how to export video files for a PowerPoint presentation on both the Windows and Mac OS platforms. Please check the video after exporting for both accuracy in expected playback as well as final size. Videos must be under 500MB to be uploaded to Canvas or Panopto Recordings. If the final video is larger than 500MB, please follow these instructions for compressing videos. Windows (from Microsoft Office support site) On the File menu, select Save to ensure all your recent work has been saved in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx). Click File > Export > Create a Video. (Or, on the Recording tab of the ribbon, click Export to Video.) In the first drop-down box under the Create a Video heading, select the video quality you want, which pertains to the resolution of the finished video. The higher the video quality, the larger the file size. (You may want to test them to determine which one meets your needs). Option Resolution For displaying on Ultra HD (4K) 3840 x 2160, largest file size Large monitors Full HD (1080p) 1920 x 1080, large file size Computer and HD screens HD (720p) recommended 1280 x 720, medium file size Internet and DVD Standard (480p) 852 x 480, smallest file size Portable devices The second drop-down box under the Create a Video heading tells whether your presentation includes narration and timings. (You may switch this setting if you like.) If you haven't recorded timed narration, by default the value is Don't Use Recorded Timings and Narrations. The default time spent on each slide is 5 seconds. You can change that timing in the Seconds to spend on each slide box. To the right of the box, click the up arrow to increase the duration, or click the down arrow to decrease the duration. If you have recorded a timed narration, by default the value is Use Recorded Timings and Narrations. IMPORTANT: to ensure the full audio from the final slide exports in its entirety, set the default time per slide to the length of the audio recording on the final slide. Click Create Video. In the File name box, enter a file name for the video, browse for the folder that will contain this file, and then click Save. In the Save as type box, choose MPEG-4 Video. You can track the progress of the video creation by looking at the status bar at the bottom of your screen. The video creation process can take up to several hours depending on the length of the video and the complexity of the presentation. Tip: For a long video, you can set it up to be created overnight. That way, it’ll be ready for you the following morning. To play your newly-created video, go to the designated folder location, and then double-click the file. After the export is finished and the video recording is checked for proper playback, it can be uploaded to Canvas. Mac OS (from Microsoft Office support site) This feature is available to Office 365 Subscribers only. Version 16.19 (required) for recorded narration to be included in exported video files. If the MP4 and MOV options described in the following procedure aren't in your version of PowerPoint, see Requirements below for more information. Select File > Export. (Don't use Save As, because it doesn't offer video options.) Open the File Format list and select the video format that you want (MP4 or MOV). (These two options are only available in the Office 365 subscription version of PowerPoint.) Select the video Quality you want: Presentation Quality, Internet Quality (recommended), or Low Quality. The higher the video quality, the larger the file size. If you have recorded timings and want to use them in the video you create from your presentation, make sure the box next to Use Recorded Timings and Narrations is checked. You can also choose to set the amount of time the video will spend on each slide if you don't have a set timing. IMPORTANT: to ensure the full audio from the final slide exports in its entirety, set the default time per slide to the length of the audio recording on the final slide. When you've made all your selections, choose Export. Note: When you export your presentation as a video, any narrated audio that was recorded in Slide Show will play, but other embedded media files won't play. After you've saved your presentation as a video, you can share it just as you would any other video, by using applications or devices that can open and play videos. Requirements for saving in a video format Applies to: PowerPoint for Office 365 for Mac Version 16.19 (required) for recorded narration to be included in exported video files. License: Office 365 Subscription Find your Office version
Moving Folders in Panopto
By default, Panopto Recordings are stored in the course in which they are recorded. This can make finding videos you've recorded in the past difficult. The easiest way to remedy this is by using your My Folder within Panopto. This guide will show you how to move existing videos from a past course into your My Folder as well as how to embed them in your future courses. Step 1: Find and click on the 'Panopto Recordings' button. (Figure 1) Step 2: Find and click on "Browse," which will open a fly-out menu. (Figure 2) Step 3: Find the name of the folder (this works for parent folders and subfolders) you would like to move. Click and drag the folder from its current location to your My Folder. (Figure 3) Step 4: Click "OK" on the dialog box asking if you would like to move the folder.