How frequently must student employees complete required training (e.g., DEI, Hazing, and Sexual Harassment & Title IX)?
DEI, Hazing and Sexual Harassment & Title IX must be completed by all student employees at the time
How do I post an On-Campus Job?
You may find directions on the Student Employment Website under the EWU Supervisors tab.
Where can I find new-hire paperwork and other forms?
To find new-hire paperwork, select the Hiring Documents link on the Student Employment website. Then
Where do I find the Environmental Health and Safety form?
You can find the Environmental Health and Safety form here .
Does Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WAFSA), like the Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), provide Work Study awarding criteria?
Yes. Both WAFSA and FAFSA can qualify a student for Work Study. More information regarding Work Stu
If a supervisor/manager wants to extend a student employee’s job past the specified end date, can the position be extended without reposting the position in Handshake?
Yes. With proper approval from the Associate Vice President/Dean or their designee (the appointing a
During the academic year, can Work Study funds be used to compensate students for work performed during academic breaks, or is it necessary to use department budget funds to compensate students during breaks?
If a Work Study employee has not used their full award for the previous term, the funds will roll to
Does the compensation for Paid Sick Leave (PSL) for student employees come out of institutional funds?
Compensation for Paid Sick Leave (PSL) depends on student status:
Non-work Study students are pa
Does my student employee qualify for sick leave?
Some, but not all, student on-campus positions are eligible for sick leave. If you are unsure regard
How much sick leave does my student employee accrue?
If they are eligible for sick leave, your student employee will accrue at the rate of one (1) hour o