WEPA printing support
Wepa - Choosing the Correct Printer
Choose “wepa BW” for standard single sided printing on Letter sized (8.5x11) in only black ink. Choose “wepa BW Two-Sided” for standard two sided printing on Letter sized (8.5x11) in only black ink. Defaults to flip on long edge. Choose “wepa Color” for standard single sided printing on Letter sized (8.5x11) in color ink. Choose “wepa Color Two-Sided” for standard two sided printing on Letter sized (8.5x11) in color ink. Defaults to flip on long edge. Specialty Printing Choose “wepa Large Format” for printing documents on 28lb text Tabloid or Tabloid Oversized paper (11x17 & 12x18). Note: defaults to print in color, and will charge accordingly. See Wepa Large Format FAQs for more help. A formatted PDF version of this Solution, which is a good option for hardcopy printouts/handouts, is attached.
Wepa: Print Credit / Wepa Account and EagleFlex
Print Credit / Wepa Account and EagleFlex Print Credit and EagleFlex are two different forms of money that are tied to your EagleCard: Print Credit: Each student who pays the TechFee is provided a $9.00 print credit ($13.50 for Semester Students), which can only be used with Wepa printers. The Print Credit is accessed by swiping your EagleCard at Wepa Printers. The print credit does not carry over from quarter/semester to quarter/semester. Wepa Account: Each student is automatically assigned a Wepa Account. Your Wepa account is automatically updated at the start of each quarter or semester with Print Credit. You can manage your Wepa account by logging in at http://wepanow.com (choose school = Eastern Washington University and you will be prompted to login with your SSO). EagleFlex: Each student who has an EagleFlex account associated with their EagleCard can use those funds with Wepa printers. Important note: Guest Copy Cards at PHIL stations do NOT work with Wepa printers. To learn more about EagleFlex, goto https://inside.ewu.edu/eaglecard/flex If you have questions about your print credit, EagleFlex, or other services associated with your EagleCard contact the EagleCard Office at (509) 359-6184, Tawaka (TAW) Business Office. When swiping your EagleCard at a Wepa station, you will see two accounts displayed: EagleCard balance, which is EagleFlex funds. Wepa Balance. Your Wepa account, with your Print Credit balance at the start of each quarter or semester. Refer to the example screenshot below for a visual. Note the following highlighted areas: EagleCard balance (top right). Wepa Balance (top right). Wepa Help and Support phone# (800-675-7639) and email (HELP@WEPANOW.COM). Kiosk PROD# at lower left corner of screen. Wepa support may ask for the PROD#, to identify the specific printer you are having an issue with.
Wepa - Printing Without Your Eagle Card
Any user can visit a Wepa print station without uploading a file and print directly at the print station. Select ‘Don’t Have A Card’ button at the bottom and then ‘Print From Cloud or USB (no account)’ button. Next, insert a USB device or select a cloud provider on the right and log in to get access to the cloud provider files: A file explorer will appear showing the folders and files available: Select a file to set the print settings and/or preview the file. Select ‘OK’ in the lower right to proceed, followed by ‘Done’ on the file explorer to prepare the file for printing: Once the file is prepared, it will appear in the print queue with the print settings. Select ‘Print’ at the bottom to proceed to the payment view:
Wepa - How to Print a Booklet
EWU MMC: Click here to access the Wepa - How to Print a Booklet GoogleDoc Wepa support, Booklet Printing – Wepa Print App: https://support.wepanow.com/booklet-printing-wepa-print-app/
Wepa - Refunds, Uploading Files, Print using a Wepa Code, EScanning
Wepa Refunds: http://support.wepanow.com/refund-procedures/ Uploading to Wepa Cloud: http://support.wepanow.com/web-uploads-on-wepanow-com/ Depositing Funds to Wepa Account (not your EagleFlex account): http://support.wepanow.com/how-do-i-add-money-to-my-wepa-account/ Retrieve Documents: http://support.wepanow.com/can-i-retrieve-my-document-once-its-been-uploaded-and-printed/ Print with a Wepa Code: http://support.wepanow.com/how-to-print-documents-using-release-codes-at-print-stations/ Flat Scanner: http://support.wepanow.com/scanners/#1
Wepa - Large Format Tabloid Printing Details
A formatted PDF version of this Solution, which is a good option for hardcopy printouts/handouts, is attached. Choosing your Paper Size Select the “Wepa Large Format” from the Printer drop down menu. Select “Page Setup” from bottom left hand side of the window. If a warning box appears after selecting “Page Setup”, select “Yes” to dismiss it. Select your page size from the drop down menu. “Legal” for 8.5x14, “Tabloid” for 11x17 and “Tabloid Oversized” for 12x18.Note: Legal (8.5x14) paper is only available at the MMC when a Lab Consultant is on staff to load for you. Click “Ok” and then “Print” to send to Wepa.Remember to retrieve your document from aLarge Format Wepa Printer. Find where they arelocated on campus at wepanow.com/maps lookfor the printers with “Tabloid” in the description. Printing in Black and White / Grayscale Select the “Wepa Large Format” from the Printer drop down menu. Select “Printer” from bottom left hand side of the window. If a warning box appears after selecting “Printer”, select “Yes” to dismiss it. Select “Color” from the drop down displaying “Layout”. Select the “Grayscale” Radio button and then “Print” Click “Print” to send to Wepa. Remember to retrieve your document from a Large Format Wepa Printer. Find where they are located on campus at wepanow.com/maps look for the printers with “Tabloid” in the description. Printing Two-Sided Select the “Wepa Large Format” from the Printer drop down menu. Select the “Print on both sides of paper” check box and then choose which end it should flip on. Click “Print” to send to Wepa. Remember to retrieve your document from a Large Format Wepa Printer. Find where they are located on campus at wepanow.com/maps look for the printers with “Tabloid” in the description.
Wepa - How to Print from a Library Computer
From any software that can print, choose File>Print, select a wēpa printer from the drop down menu, and Print. If you are not already signed in, a login prompt will appear. The print app window will launch stating that the print job is ‘Processing’ in the lower right near the wēpa icon: The print job will be shown under ‘Ready to Print’ if the upload was successful stating the number of pages, whether is was uploaded as Color or Black & White, and it is 1 sided or 2 sided. Now just log in at the print station to see all of your documents!
Wepa - Windows computer failing to upload file when printing
On Windows computer specifically, when you are trying to print from applications (Word, web browser, Acrobat, etc)... During the print process, if Wepa fails to upload your print job (PDF or other file types), the first troubleshooting step is to install VC++ 2017 or greater. The download link to specific version that may resolve this issue is: https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x86.exe After downloading, run VC_redist.x86.exe AND RESTART your computer after install. Try printing again. If you continue having problems, please contact the HelpDesk at helpdesk@ewu.edu or 359-2247 or Sutton Hall main entrance walk-up service.
Academic Only MMC Poster and Photo Printing Details
The MMC provides academic only large format Poster and Photo printing services, up to 5' wide by variable length in size. More details: Academic only Posters and Photos can be printed when MMC Lab Consultants are on duty. Please call 359-4875 for more information, Lab Consultant availability and current hours of operation. Pricing details are found here: https://inside.ewu.edu/it/service/printing Refer to helpful templates and poster pricing guide attached. For non academic and/or department poster and photo printing options: https://inside.ewu.edu/it/service/multimedia-commons MMC Service Statement Details
Wepa Help and Support Web Site
Please access https://support.wepanow.com/ for a wide range of Wepa FAQ's, drivers, apps, and more.