Solutions articles for the Cisco Webex softphone application.
How do I use Webex Calling with Microsoft Teams on a Mac?
To make and receive calls on your university telephone line through Microsoft Teams on your Mac, follow these steps to add the plugin and link your Teams and Webex accounts. 1. Open Microsoft Teams 2. Go to Apps and search for "Webex Calling" 3. Click Open or Add (it will show as Add only the first time you install the plugin). You may be asked to authorize Permissions for the application. You must click Accept to continue. 4. Once the app is installed, click Sign In. 5. Sign in as normal with your EWU email address and SSO password. 6. Next click Sign In to finish linking your EWU account and your Webex account. 7. Sign in as normal with your EWU email address and SSO password. 8. You've finished setting up Teams and Webex integration! Just click the Webex App icon on the left to make calls. You should only need to complete these steps once per computer.
How do I use Webex Calling with Microsoft Teams on a PC?
To make and receive calls on your university telephone line through Microsoft Teams on your PC, follow these steps to add the plugin and link your Teams and Webex accounts. 1. Open Microsoft Teams 2. Go to Apps and search for "Webex Calling." Click Open or Add (it will show as Add only the first time you install the plugin). You may be asked to authorize Permissions for the application. You must click Accept to continue. 3. Once the app is installed, click Sign In. 4. Sign in as normal with your EWU email address and SSO password. 5. Next click Sign In to finish linking your EWU account and your Webex account. 6. Sign in as normal with your EWU email address and SSO password. 7. You've finished setting up Teams and Webex integration! Just click the Webex App icon on the left to make calls. You should only need to complete these steps once per computer.
Installing Webex (Windows)
This guide will walk you through the installation and initial set up of the Webex softphone application on a Windows computer. Note: Webex is available in Software Center. Open your Start Menu, search for Software Center and then Webex. Otherwise, follow the instructions below to download it directly from Cisco. Start by granting yourself temporary administrator rights on your Windows computer. Visit our How do I get administrative rights on my PC? How do I use the MakeMeAdmin application on my PC? solutions article. Open a recommended browser, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox. Navigate to https://www.webex.com/downloads.html Select the Windows (64) bit download option. Once the download has finished, use the Make Me Admin application to grant yourself temporary administrator rights on your PC. This is essential before installing the software. Find the downloaded Webex.exe file in your downloads and double-click it to begin the installation. Launch the Webex application after the installation is complete. Click Sign in to continue. Enter your EWU e-mail address, when prompted and click Next. You will be redirected to the EWU SSO sign in page. Enter your EWU e-mail address once more and click Next. You will be prompted to enter your SSO password. Enter it and click Sign in. Webex will now launch into the User Interface. If this is the first time you are setting up WebEx, you will see a prompt to enter an address for 911 emergency services, as shown below. This service will allow the 911 operator to see your location and share it with first responders. Click Add address Enter a nickname for your address. In the example below, we have used Eastern Washington University. Enter the general address for EWU, which is 526 5th St Cheney, WA 99004 In the final box, enter your Building Name and which floor you are on. Note: This box is limited to 20 characters. You may need to abbreviate your building name. As an example: Showalter 1st floor, Patterson 2nd floor, HSB 2nd floor Click Save to finish.
Changing your voicemail PIN with Webex
This article will help you understand how to change your voicemail PIN with Webex or reset your voicemail PIN if you have been locked out. Webex will lock voicemail access if an incorrect PIN is used 3 times in a row. If you end up locked out of your voicemail you must reset your PIN to access it again. This is a mandatory feature of Webex calling and can't be changed. Open a recommended browser, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox. Navigate to https://user.webex.com/ Enter your EWU e-mail address when prompted. You will be redirected to the EWU SSO sign in page. Enter your EWU e-mail address once more and click Next. You will be prompted to enter your SSO password. Enter it and click Sign in. Click on Settings. Click on Calling. Click on Voicemail. Click the option to Reset voicemail PIN. Enter and confirm your desired PIN, paying special attention to the requirements and rules. Click Save when finished.
Listening to your voicemail with WebEx (Web)
You can listen to and manage your voicemail messages on the Web! Below you will find instructions for retrieving, listening, downloading, and deleting your voicemail messages through the WebEx web client. Open a recommended browser, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox. To get started, navigate to the Webex User Hub Enter your EWU e-mail address when prompted. You will be redirected to the EWU SSO sign in page. Enter your EWU e-mail address once more and click Next. You will be prompted to enter your SSO password. Enter it and click Sign in. Choose "Settings" on the left hand side. Choose "Calling" then "Voicemail" to access your voicemail and voicemail settings. 8. Click on "Manage Voicemails" 9. Click on the voicemail to listen to it. 10. You can use the menu button on the right of the voicemail to download or delete the voicemail. To view your voicemail from the Webex application, see the Listening to your voicemail with WebEx (App) support article. Note: If you are not receiving e-mail notifications of new voicemails, see the I'm not receiving e-mail notifications of voicemails. What do I do? article for instructions. notifications of voicemails. What do I do? article for instructions.
Listening to your voicemail with Webex (App)
You can listen to and manage your voicemail messages right from the Webex App. Below you will find instructions for retrieving, listening, downloading, and deleting your voicemail messages through the WebEx desktop application. Open the Webex Application. Click on the Voicemail tab on the left of the Webex application interface. Note: If you have a new or unread voicemail, there will be a notification bubble next to the Voicemail text, as shown in the example below. You will now see a list of messages in your Voicemail Box. Select the message you wish to manage by clicking on it. You will see a summary of the Voicemail, such as the callers name, the callers phone number (or extension), and the date and time of the message. You may select Audio to call the user back, Video to start a video call with the user, Delete to permanently delete the voicemail or ... More to mark the message and read, and remove the Voicemail notification bubble. For more control over your voicemail box management, see the Listening to your voicemail with WebEx (Web) support article. Note: If you are not receiving e-mail notifications of new voicemails, see the I'm not receiving e-mail notifications of voicemails. What do I do? article for instructions.
Installing Webex (Mac)
This guide will walk you through the installation and initial setup of the Webex softphone application on a Mac computer. Note: Webex is available in Self Service. Click on the EWU Icon in your Mac's Menu, then Open EWU Self Service. Search for Webex. Otherwise, follow the instructions below to download it directly from Cisco. Open a recommended browser, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox. Navigate to https://www.webex.com/downloads.html Select either macOS (Apple silicon chips) or macOS (Intel chip), depending on what kind of processor your Mac uses. If you are unsure of which option to select, contact the Help Desk via phone at 509.359.2247 or via e-mail at helpdesk@ewu.edu. Once the download has finished, use the Privileges application to grant yourself temporary administrator rights on your Mac. This is essential before installing the software. Find the downloaded Webex.dmg file in your downloads and double-click it to begin the installation. Launch the Webex application after the installation is complete. Accept the End User License Agreement. Click Sign in to continue. Enter your EWU e-mail address, when prompted and click Next. You will be redirected to the EWU SSO sign in page. Enter your EWU e-mail address once more and click Next. You will be prompted to enter your SSO password. Enter it and click Sign in. You may be prompted to allow access to your Microphone. Click ok. Webex will now launch into the User Interface. If this is the first time you are setting up WebEx, you will see a prompt to enter an address for 911 emergency services, as shown below. This service will allow the 911 operator to see your location and share it with first responders. Click Add address Enter a nickname for your address. In the example below, we have used Eastern Washington University. Enter the general address for EWU, which is 526 5th St Cheney, WA 99004 In the final box, enter your Building Name and which floor you are on. Note: This box is limited to 20 characters. You may need to abbreviate your building name. As an example: Showalter 1st floor, Patterson 2nd floor, HSB 2nd floor Click Save to finish.
When I receive a call on Webex, my webcam turns on. How do I turn this off?
After installing Webex softphone on your computer, you may notice that your webcam will automatically turn on when answering incoming phone calls. The tutorial below will give you step by step instructions on disabling this feature. Open the Webex application. At the bottom left of the application window, click on Call settings. A small pop-up window will open. Click on Open Call Preferences. A new Settings window will open. Click on the Calling category on the left side. Uncheck the Answer calls with my video on checkbox. Click Save at the bottom of the settings window to finish.
Transfer a phone call with Cisco Webex
When you're on a Webex phone call using your softphone you may need to transfer the caller to a different user on campus. There are two different types of transfers that Webex supports: Cold Transfers (blind transfers) and Warm Transfers (consultation transfers). Cold transfers are used to connect your caller to another user without speaking to the party that you're about the connect the caller to. Warm transfers are used to speak with the party that you're connecting the call to, before you transfer the caller to their line. Cold Transfers: When you are engaged in a phone call using Webex, you will see a main window that displays the main call information. This will include the phone number of the caller and if available, their name. Click on the three dots towards the bottom edge of the window. A Calling options window will expand. Select Transfer. Type the phone number or the name of the user you want to transfer the call to and click the Transfer now button. Your call will end as the caller is then immediately transferred to the phone number that you connected them to. Warm Transfers: Warn transfers are handled in a very similar manner to cold transfers, however you will click on Consult first after entering the phone number or the name of the user you want to transfer the call to. This action will place the first caller on hold, and you will be connected with the party that you wish to connect the call to. You can use this time to introduce the first caller to the next party. If you are ready to connect the first caller to the next number, click Complete transfer. If you need to speak to the first caller again before connecting the call to the next number, click Resume. This will place the next number on hold while you chat with the first caller. Click Complete transfer to connect the first caller with the next number. Your phone will automatically disconnect.
Place a phone call on hold with Cisco Webex
When you're on a phone call using the Cisco Webex softphone, you may need to place that call on hold. This article will help you understand how that process works. When you are engaged in a phone call using Webex, you will see a main window that displays the main call information. This will include the phone number of the caller and if available, their name. Click on the three dots towards the bottom edge of the window. A Calling options window will expand. Select Hold. After you put the call on hold, your spaces list shows that it's on hold To go back to your held call, select it from the spaces list and then select Resume