Account and password related questions, answers, and solutions.
How do I create my student email address?
You no longer need to manually create your email address. We do this step for you! For current instructions, visit the appropriate Admissions page below: Undergraduate Checklist for Admitted Students Graduate Checklist for Admitted Students What You Should Know Your email username is the entire email address, for example: All official university communication is sent to your EWU email address. You can check your email at If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email:
What systems are affected when I change my password?
Changing your password will affect the following systems: Office365 (email) InsideEWU EagleNet WordPress Computers on campus Wireless access Canvas Login If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email:
How to I request access to AiM (Facilities)?
If you need AiM access, download the form on this page, have it signed by your supervisor, and then send it to Jim Moneymaker at 101 Rozell Hall. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email:
Google Workspace Account FAQ
Q. Does this mean we are moving to Gmail? A. No. Since the campus uses Outlook and Office 365, Gmail is not available for EWU Google Workspace accounts. Q. Who is eligible for a Google Workspace Account? A. Current faculty, staff, and students are automatically provided a Workspace account. Q. What Workspace services are available? A. With a few exceptions, the full suite of Workspace services (Drive/Docs, Apps Script, Keep, Sites, Google Chat, Google Meet, Google Groups) are available. Most commercial Google services such as YouTube and Maps are also available, but note that they are governed by Google's regular terms of service. Google Calendar isn't available because it does not work correctly with Office 365 email accounts. Google Voice is a paid service and no longer free. Q. Do I have to switch to Google Drive/Docs? A. No. We have added Google Drive/Docs as another service, not as a replacement for OneDrive/Office 365. Q. Can I use both Google Drive and OneDrive? A. Yes. Q. How do I access my EWU Google Workspace account? A. You can login at (enter or you may use this shortcut: Q. Where can I learn more about Google Drive and Docs? A. Google has online documentation available for Drive and Docs. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email:
New Account Activation
Activating your EWU account provides you access to important resources and online services, including registration, email, Google, the library, and many more. 1. Begin by browsing to and clicking Activate Account or visit this link 2. Enter the required information (this information will have been sent to you by Admissions or Human Resources) and then click Activate. First Name (Please note that the first name will be whatever preferred name you provided when enrolling) Last Name Username, example: eagle1 Verification Code / ID Number, example: 00123456 Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD), example: 1992-10-12 3. If everything matches, you'll receive confirmation that your account is active. The information you enter must match exactly to what you submitted to EWU during the Admissions process. 4. Enter a password for your account and click Change Password. Your password must meet the requirements shown on on the screen. 5. If your new password matches and meets the complexity requirements, you'll receive a confirmation. 6. Next, you'll be asked to setup your security questions and answers. Remember your answers! If you forget your password, you can use your answers to reset your account! Click Save Answers when finished. 7.After entering your answers, you'll receive confirmation that they have been saved. Click Continue. Your account is now active! If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email:
How do I update my preferred name and/or gender?
You can update your gender, personal pronouns, and preferred first name through EagleNet (Personal Information...My Profile...Personal Information) or follow this direct link to the form: Click the Edit button (1) in the upper right to update your information. From the pop up menu enter your preferred first name into the necessary field (2) and click "Update" (3) to save any Changes. Your preferred first name will be used in place of your legal name in email, on Canvas, the campus directory and class rosters on EagleNet. This form does not change your legal name on your academic record, diploma, college ID or financial record. If you have had a legal name change since your account was created please fill the relevent service article. For students this is Student Account Name Change. For Faculty and Staff this is Faculty/Staff Account Name Change. In addition, faculty will see a student's preferred name when using the following faculty services: Class rosters Final grade submission Advisee listing EWU recognizes that many students, faculty, and staff prefer to use first names other than their legal ones to identify themselves. As long as the use of this preferred name is not for the purpose of misrepresentation, the college acknowledges that a “preferred first name” can and should be used where possible in the course of college business and education. All official college correspondence will use your legal name. Please note: the preferred name is used solely for EWUs internal systems. Official transcripts, enrollment verifications, diplomas, third party database systems, and all external communications, such as hometown newspapers (dean’s list announcements), etc., will continue to use your legal name. You may use your preferred name on your EagleCard, this action does prevent its use as proof of legal identity and may impact its use as a form of ID. It is advisable to carry a government-issued form of ID such as a driver’s license or passport, especially when verifying your identity for employment purposes. Disclaimer: this policy does not form a contract of any kind and may be modified, changed, altered, or rescinded at the discretion of EWU. Inappropriate use of the preferred name, including but not limited to misrepresentation or attempting to avoid a legal obligation, may be cause for denying the request.
Alumni and Former Student Account Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How long do I get to keep my account after I graduate or leave EWU? A. Students retain their account for one (1) year after they graduate or leave the institution. Q. What is the policy on account eligibility? A. There are several relevant policies and procedures, they include EWU 901-02: Appropriate Use of University Resources, Account Eligibility Procedure, and Account Creation and Closure Procedure. Q. I'm a former employee and current student, do I get to keep my account? A. Yes, you retain eligibility for your account until you no longer meet the criteria for retention of student accounts (i.e. one year after graduating or not enrolling in a class.) Q. I plan to re-enroll. What will happen to my account? A. If you re-enroll prior to your account’s expiration date, no changes will be made to your account until you are no longer eligible for an account again. Q. What happens if I re-enroll after the expiration date? A. Your account will be recreated with the same username, but any data you left in your old account will not be available. Q. Why doesn’t EWU offer “accounts for life”? Isn’t this free to EWU? A. No, EWU pays licensing fees for all active accounts, including former students. Some of these fees are direct (i.e. to Microsoft and Google) and some are indirect through university site licenses. Finally, as many of these services, such as Office 365 and Google Workspace, are only licensed services, we cannot guarantee their continued availability. Microsoft or Google can, and do, change their terms of service on a regular basis. While we maintain contracts with these companies, those agreements have a typical lifespan of only a few years. Q. Is there any way that I can keep my account? A. If you’d like to retain your account, we’d encourage you to enroll in a class or program! Q. Do I retain access to all online services if I'm not currently enrolled? A. No, you only retain access to EagleNet.
Former Employee and Emeriti Account Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the policy on account eligibility? A. There are several relevant policies and procedures, they include EWU 901-02: Appropriate Use of University Resources, Account Eligibility Procedure, and Account Creation and Closure Procedure. Q. I am a faculty emeritus, do I get to keep my account? A. Yes. Emeritus faculty can retain their account indefinitely. Q. I'm a former employee, do I get to keep my account? A. No. Former employees do not retain access to their account, except for limited access to Banner for payroll and tax purposes. Q. I'm a former employee and a current student, do I get to keep my account? A. Yes, you retain eligibility for your account until you no longer meet the criteria for retention of student accounts (i.e. one year after graduating or not enrolling in a class.) See this article for student account FAQs.
Eagles Email Address Transition Frequently Asked Questions
This transition has been completed and this article remains available only for reference purposes. Q. What is happening to email addresses? A. We are migrating all student accounts from email addresses to addresses. Q. When is this change happening? A. We are taking volunteers now and will begin migrations at the end of this academic year (June 14th). We will complete the migration by September 1, 2021. Q. Why is this change happening? A. To explain this change, we need to share a little background on how your Microsoft account works today. addresses exist in a completely separate organization from addresses. This is why, for instance, students need to be added as guests to a Microsoft Team created by a faculty or staff member. It is also why files cannot be shared seamlessly in OneDrive between students and faculty or staff. As the need and desire to collaborate electronically between faculty/staff and students has grown, so have the problems of having two separate and distinct organizations. To resolve these issues, we must migrate students from the organization to the main organization. Q. What will be my new email address? A. Your new email address will be So, if you are, your new address will be Q. Will my Username change? A. No, it will stay the same. Q. Can I change my Username? A. If you have a name or gender change and would like your email address and Username updated, just follow the normal procedure for students and faculty/staff. Q. Will this affect Canvas, Google Workspace, or other services? A. No, only your email address in those systems will be updated. This change will actually fix some problems that currently occur because student email addresses use the @eagles format, like notifications from Google Workspace. Q. Won't there be conflicts with existing accounts? A. No, usernames are unique at EWU. Q. Will, I still receive an email sent to my old address? A. Yes. We will forward all emails sent to addresses for one year, until September 1, 2022. After that date, any emails sent to those addresses will fail. Q. Will, I get a notice when my account is migrated? A. Yes, we will notify before and after the account is migrated. Q. What happens to generic addresses? A. Please send a request to for assistance with the migration of generic accounts. Q. I'm an employee with both a current address and address. What will happen to my @eagles account? A. Your student account will be closed and contents migrated to your If you don't need or want the contents migrated from your account, please let us know by completing this form. You can also fill out that form to volunteer for early migration. Q. Does EWU offer “accounts for life”? Aren't they free to EWU? A. No, EWU pays licensing fees for all active accounts, including former students. Some of these fees are direct (i.e. to Microsoft and Google) and some are indirect through university site licenses. Many of these services, such as Office 365 and Google Workspace, are only licensed services and we cannot guarantee their continued availability. Microsoft or Google can and do, change their terms of service on a regular basis. While we maintain contracts with these companies, those agreements have a typical lifespan of only a few years. Q. What is happening to alumni accounts? A. Alumni with email accounts were given a one-year transition period starting last June (2020). Those accounts will be shutdown on July 1, 2021. Q. How long do former students keep their accounts? A. Students retain their account for one (1) year after they graduate or leave the institution. For more information about accounts for former students, see this FAQ. If you need any further assistance please view our Service Catalog for other Knowledge Base articles or contact the IT Help Desk via Phone: 509.359.2247 or Email:
How do I request access to Banner, ODS, and other EWU Systems?