Solutions articles for the Cisco Webex softphone application.
Introduction to Cisco Webex
In the winter of 2023, EWU began to migrate our phone service from Cisco Jabber to Cisco Webex. Cisco WebEx is a powerful tool that allows you to use a desktop phone, a soft phone (a software-based phone that's installed on your computer), and a mobile app that is installed on your cell phone. We have created several solutions articles to help understand the fundamentals of how to operate the phone and manage your voicemail box. We have separated the articles into several categories: Installing Webex Installing Webex (Windows) Installing Webex (Mac) Webex App for iOS Webex App for Android Using Webex Selecting your playback and recording devices in Cisco Webex Place a phone call on hold with Cisco Webex Transfer a phone call with Cisco Webex When I receive a call on Webex, my webcam turns on. How do I turn this off? How do I use Webex Calling with Microsoft Teams on a PC? How do I use Webex Calling with Microsoft Teams on a Mac? Call Queues How do I join or unjoin a call queue in Webex? How to access real time call queue statistics through Webex (Managers Only) Call Forwarding How to set up Call forwarding in Webex Voicemail How do I setup my University Voicemail with Webex? (Phone) How do I setup my University Voicemail with Webex? (Web) Changing your voicemail PIN with Webex Listening to your voicemail with Webex (Phone) Listening to your voicemail with WebEx (Web) Listening to your voicemail with Webex (App) I'm not receiving e-mail notifications of voicemails. What do I do? If you have questions or concerns, contact the Help Desk at 509.359.2247 or via e-mail at helpdesk@ewu.edu.
How do I change a voicemail message for a phone that I'm not calling on? (Webex)
This solutions article will tell you how to change a voicemail greeting for an extension that is different than the phone you're calling from. There are several scenarios that may prompt you to do this: You're taking an extended leave of absence and forgot to update your voicemail greeting before you left campus. The campus is experiencing an unexpected closure and you want to update your message or the message of a call queue. If calling from an EWU desk phone Pick up the handset and dial 509.359.4342 Press the star key * Dial the extension of the voicemail greeting that you wish to change, followed by # Dial the PIN for that extension, followed by # Press 3 to access the voicemail greeting Follow the prompts to record a new greeting and hang up when you are finished. If calling from an outside line: Dial 509.359.4342 Dial the extension of the voicemail greeting that you wish to change, followed by # Dial the PIN for that extension, followed by # Press 3 to access the voicemail greeting Follow the prompts to record a new greeting and hang up when you are finished. * If you are changing your pin please review the NEW PIN requirements and rules.
How do I access the voicemail box of a shared line - Webex?
In addition to checking the voicemail box of your direct phone line, you may also need to check the voicemail box of a mail department line, or a shared line. To do this, call extension 4342 to access the voicemail portal. If you are dialing from outside the University, call 503.359.4342. Press the star key ( * ) Dial the mailbox ID (4-digit extension) and press the pound key ( # ) When prompted, enter the voicemail passcode / PIN and press the pound key ( # ) ________________________________________________________ * If you are changing your pin please review the NEW PIN requirements and rules. If you would like voicemail messages from department lines or shared lines e-mailed to you, open a support ticket and specify the extension of the line and the e-mail address you want the voicemail messages forward to.
Changing ringtones for additional lines - IP Phone
On your physical IP Phone: Press Applications . Select User preferences > Ringtone > Ext (n) - Ring tone. (Where n= extension number) Scroll through the list of ringtones and press Play to hear a sample. Or choose "No Ringtone" for no ringtone on the selected line. Press Select and then Set to save a selection. For further instructions you can watch this helpful youtube video (device model may be different than yours in the video but same instructions). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE54hQEUJZE
IP Desk Phone Headsets
Any product with a CDW-G part number can be purchased by your department. The part numbers are hyperlinked to the product. (NOTE* Prices listed are not maintained daily and could be different on the CDWG website.) These headsets are compatible with the Cisco 7821, 8811, 8841, 8851 and the 6851 IP desk phones. Headsets - Wireless Sennheiser SD Office - CDW-G Part: 6310254 - $274.12 Wireless Ear Hook or Headband Dual Connectivity for both Desk Phone and PC Up to 12 hours talk time 2-Year Warranty PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE TAX NOTE* If you are purchasing for a user with a new 8800/7800/6800 device you will need to purchase the Electronic Hook Switch cable below. Epos Sennheiser CEHS CI 01 Electronic Hook Switch Cable - CDW-G Part: 6389829 - $51.73 Compatible with Cisco 8800/7800/6800 series desk phones Used with Sennheiser wireless headset Required for answering phone via wireless headset PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE TAX Headsets - Wired Jabra BIZ 1500 Mono - CDW-G Part: 4076930 - $43.68 (Over the head only) Wired Headset over the head style, single ear. Easy Disconnect for moving between stations Requires Jabra GN1218 AC Attenuation headset cable to function PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE TAX NOTE* You will need to purchase the Jabra GN1218 AC Attenuation Headset Cable below in order for this headset to work. Jabra BIZ 2400 II QD Duo NC - CDW-G 3719188 - $143.66 Wired Quick Disconnect Compatible with 78XX, 68XX, & 88XX devices Dual headphone Requires Jabra GN1218 AC Attenuation Headset Cable * PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE TAX Jabra GN1218 AC Attenuation Headset Cable - CDW-G 4848187 - $27.22 Headset cable Quick Disconnect 6.6 ft For Cisco IP Phone 78XX, 68XX, 88XX; BIZ 2400, 1500 * PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE TAX Plantronics EncorePro HW530 - CDW-G Part: 7597310 - $71.69 (Over the ear only) Wired Headset over the ear only. Easy Disconnect for moving between stations Two ear piece sizes Requires Plantronics headset amplifier cable- CDWG part #7597310 PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE TAX 10ft Plantronics headset amplifier cable - CDW-G Part: 7597335 - $36.29 Required to work with Plantronics EncorePro HW530 wired headset. Quick disconnect 10ft length For Cisco IP Phone 78XX, 68XX, 88XX; Unified IP Phone * PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE TAX
WebEx Conference Phones
Cisco WebEx Conference Phones IF your department wants to purchase a conference phone please fill out this service request and indicate what model of conference phone you wish to purchase. IT will provide a quote. Cisco 7832- Affordable conference phone for small conference rooms. Primary user features include: 360-degree room coverage for spaces up to 172 square feet (16 square meters) Microphone pickup up to 7 feet (213 centimeters) from the endpoint Generous mute button to aid access from all sides of the endpoint Raised edge to ease handling and re-positioning at the table or desk 3.4-inch (8.6-cm) back-lit, monochrome, pixel-based display with an anti-glare bezel to make viewing and interaction easier Cisco 8832- Collaborate with High-Quality Audio Communications. Features and Capabilities The Cisco IP Conference Phone 8832 makes communications easy, reliable, and highly secure. It helps you collaborate with colleagues, suppliers, and customers to advance your business goals. The 8832 delivers high-quality, full-duplex, wideband VoIP communications. Its 360-degree coverage addresses the needs of medium to large conference rooms up to 800 square feet. Color Screen and light bar indicator for mute/hold options.
Configure a speed-dial on a line key, IP Desk Phone
You can press any idle line key on your phone and set up speed dial on it. Follow the steps below, some models may differ slightly. Procedure: Press and hold any idle line key on your phone for at least two seconds. In the Speed-Dial window select "Speed Dial", add the speed-dial name and phone number to call when you press this line key. Press Save. If you have trouble please open a ticket with the EWU IT Help Desk, helpdesk@ewu.edu, https://support.ewu.edu or 509-359-2247. Want to know more about Webex calling? See our knowledge base https://support.ewu.edu/support/solutions/articles/10000089825
How to set up Call forwarding on a Cisco Phone
Before beginning this process, ensure you are on the primary device for this line. This will show the line as the first/top option on the device. 1. Select the Forward option. *NOTE* If you do not see the Forward option, select the 4th button to move over to new options: 2. Select Forward all 3. Set the number you want to forward calls to. 4. Select Forward all to On using the navigation/select button (circle silver button). 5. Hit set in order to have changes take effect. 6. Select Clr fwd button on the home screen in order stop forwarding.
Blocking and Unblocking calls with Webex (Softphone)
To block a number in Webex, first launch the Webex Softphone application. Click on the Calling Icon on the left side of the application. Find the target number that you wish to block in the call history. Right click on the target number to open a menu and select Block If you wish to unblock a number or see a list of numbers that you have blocked click on the Settings icon at the bottom left of the Webex softphone application window. From the left menu, click on Calling Select Block List. A list of blocked numbers will display. To remove a number from your Block List, mark the check box next to the number and select Unblock Click on Save at the bottom right to complete the change. Important Note: This block method will only block the target number from calling the user that initiates the block. The number will still be able to call other users within the EWU Webex Calling Space. If you wish to request a Global Block of a target number, meaning that the number will be blocked from calling any number within the EWU Webex Calling Space, please submit a Help Desk ticket.
Blocking and Unblocking calls with Webex (Mobile Phone)
To block a number in Webex that is installed on your cellular device, first launch the Webex Softphone application. Tap on your profile picture or initials at the top left of the App Tap on Settings Tap on Calling Tap on Block List Tap on Add Number to open the prompt to type in the target number. Once you've entered the target number, tap on Save to finish. To remove a number from your Block List, follow the steps above to navigate to your Block List. Tap on Edit Tap on the number to select it, as indicated by the blue check mark next to it. Tap on Unblock to remove the number from your block list. Give the app a few moments to remove the number from your list. Important Note: This block method will only block the target number from calling the user that initiates the block. The number will still be able to call other users within the EWU Webex Calling Space. If you wish to request a Global Block of a target number, meaning that the number will be blocked from calling any number within the EWU Webex Calling Space, please submit a Help Desk ticket.